Does Tanjiro become Hashira in Demon Slayer? (2024)

The Demon Slayer fanbase has expanded exponentially since its inception, but most are anime-only viewers. This is because Ufotable has done a fantastic job animating the intense fight sequences and maintaining a level of consistency throughout the series.

Some of these fans have some questions answered towards the end of the manga. Others want to understand if Tanjiro, the protagonist of Demon Slayer, becomes a Hashira with the Demon Slayer Corps towards the end of the series.

Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the manga.

'Demon Slayer': Will Tanjiro become a Hashira?

Tanjiro and the Demon Slayer Corps go up against Kibutsuji Muzan, the Demon King. The group gives it all they've got in this fight, and many lives are lost in this process.

Most Hashiras die in this fight, but their deaths are not in vain as they're able to beat Muzan. After doing so, the Demon Slayer Corps is disbanded since they're no longer required as all demons are now dead.

That being said, Tanjiro's rank is unknown, and his rank was last revealed in the Entertainment District arc. In that arc, they were at Kanoe, which is fourth from the bottom.

Since Kiriya Ubuyashiki announced the disbanding of the organization, Tanjiro doesn't get the chance to become a Hashira. The series also features an extended finale set in modern-day Japan.

Descendants of the Kamado, Hashibira, and Agatsuma families are close, just like their ancestors.

About Demon Slayer Corps

The Demon Slayer Corps was set up to kill the demons and protect humans from their tyranny. The organization was started by the Ubuyashiki family.

Muzan was related to this family, and since he turned into a demon, they were affected with a curse, where the male members would die at a young age. The curse can be seen on the face of Kagaya Ubuyashiki.

This organization's leader does not have combat abilities, and yet, he is respected by every Hashira in the organization. He had the foresight that would allow him to assign missions to the members of the Demon Slayer Corps to protect humans from demon attacks.

The organization hosts a rigorous examination from which candidates are picked and trained further to enhance their combat abilities. After the selection process, the members can choose their ore, from which Nichirin blades are forged.

These are the only blades capable of killing the demons.

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Does Tanjiro become Hashira in Demon Slayer? (2024)
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