Don't make me turn this [chat] around. - Page 46 (2024)


  • Tav Irish Minister for DefenceRegistered User regular

    August 17

    acdc are staying in the hotel across the road from me and much the same as when any big star stays there, there's about 100 people waiting outside the hotel to see them. Some people have been there since before midday

    they're not going to talk to you or sign your sh*t, all that's going to happen is that their security will push you back and you'll see them from closer than you would at the concert later today

    absolute loser behaviour

  • Krathoon Registered User regular

    August 17

    Donkey Kong wrote: »

    Krathoon wrote: »

    One thing I don't like about SSDs is that they seem to just suddenly fail.

    Like there is no warning like a regular hard drive. Maybe I am wrong. That seems like poor design.

    Every time an SSD writes, the onboard controller quickly verifies the write and if its bad, marks the sector it wrote to as dead. The controller then puts the data elsewhere.

    There are utilities to view the dead sector count. As the number creeps up and eventually when it exceeds the number of spare sectors reserved for errors, the disk can no longer safely store data without reformatting and shrinking to mark new sectors as backups.

    This is your health monitor and theres tons of warning usually. You also need to buy SSDs with an onboard capacitor that allow the drive to finish its last write in the event of power loss, so cheap ones can die suddenly when power is lost.

    Overall the failure rate and predictability of failure is hugely better than platter drives. You just have to look in a utility vs listening to noises (that are almost always too late)

    Yeah. I need to get a utility. I found a guide to some free ones.

  • Evil Multifarious Registered User regular

    August 17 edited August 17

    Elden Ring is designed to be cryptic and incomplete and to evoke a sense of mystery, but it is also constructed with great intent by a large team of people with long experience in this style of narrative environment

    I think what's most rewarding is thinking carefully about the item descriptions, looking around and noting the places and entities around you, and trying to see if you can figure a reason for the decision to put them together. Most of the wikis and Reddits and YouTube videos are a lot more authoritative and certain in their interpretation than they should be, I think. Their perspectives can be interesting but they're also making big leaps and, ultimately, are deeply concerned with establishing concrete fact from an experience that is built more to provide superb vibes.

    Evil Multifarious on


  • Donkey Kong Putting Nintendo out of business with AI nips Registered User regular

    August 17

    Yeah there were definitely times where I actively wanted to follow up with an NPC and didn't care to let it happen naturally, or I was trying to do something the game told me to do but it wasn't working, and then I'd check the wiki quickly with a narrow focus.

    Its a game where I think too much of a guide ruins your first play, but there are times where its needed for a sec to fix the fact that theres nothing tracking quests at all

    Thousands of hot, local singles are waiting to play at


  • japan Registered User regular

    August 17 edited August 17

    Finally got to making progress with my Kill Team terrain

    Everything gets an oil wash to look good and grungy but this means I get to do one step and then wait 24 hours for it to dry

    Then varnish and wait another 24 hours so that things don't react when I apply an acrylic varnish over an oil and then more acrylic on top of that

    japan on

  • Elendil Registered User regular

    August 17 edited August 17

    elden ring's NPC quests are somehow still clearer and easier to follow than DS3's which are truly baffling and prone to failure at even the slightest deviation from the intended sequence

    Elendil on


  • Weaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular

    August 17

    Release Squadron 42? No, have extraction shooter

  • Elendil Registered User regular

    August 17

    Donkey Kong wrote: »

    Yeah there were definitely times where I actively wanted to follow up with an NPC and didn't care to let it happen naturally, or I was trying to do something the game told me to do but it wasn't working, and then I'd check the wiki quickly with a narrow focus.

    Its a game where I think too much of a guide ruins your first play, but there are times where its needed for a sec to fix the fact that theres nothing tracking quests at all

    i spent so long looking for blaidd in nokron because he told me to meet him there

    he was never there!!! he ghosted me!


  • Donkey Kong Putting Nintendo out of business with AI nips Registered User regular

    August 17

    Elendil wrote: »

    elden ring's NPC quests are somehow still clearer and easier to follow than DS3's which are truly baffling and prone to failure at even the slightest deviation from the intended sequence

    my biggest problem with elden ring's NPC quests was that an NPC would leave a note or tell me where they were going and then 20 hours and a dozen quests later I've just forgotten.

    I would have killed for a simple quest tracker that doesn't say where to go (or *spits* put marker in the map), but just reminds you of your last correspondence with the character and maybe crosses the whole thing out when it gets into a state where it can't progress anymore.

    Thousands of hot, local singles are waiting to play at


  • japan Registered User regular

    August 17

    Happy with how it's developing, though

    Don't make me turn this [chat] around. - Page 46 (11)


  • Weaver wrote: »

    Release Squadron 42? No, have extraction shooter

    They've kind of had all the component systems in there for a long time. Now they're putting them in one place.

  • Echo ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod

    August 17

    japan wrote: »

    Finally got to making progress with my Kill Team terrain

    Everything gets an oil wash to look good and grungy but this means I get to do one step and then wait 24 hours for it to dry

    Then varnish and wait another 24 hours so that things don't react when I apply an acrylic varnish over an oil and then more acrylic on top of that

    There's an indie game called Marchers set in Weirdo WW2 and I got some vibes from their Holy Roman Empire dudes.

    Don't make me turn this [chat] around. - Page 46 (14)


  • Tav Irish Minister for DefenceRegistered User regular

    August 17

    Don't make me turn this [chat] around. - Page 46 (16)


  • Tumin Registered User regular

    August 17 edited August 17

    Im trying not to look up stuff for the DLC because I already have my Cool Favorite Weapons and Fashion Armors so missing things is fine, or whatever. I guess.

    But I am currently very frustrated with the map tbh. I cant tell if I missed something or if I need to go to the next area (which is v hard :[)

    Tumin on


  • Krathoon Registered User regular

    August 17

    Oh yeah. That is the primary problem with Elden Ring.

    There is no quest tracker. You have to write it down.

    A little too old school there.

    Also, I heard you can break or end quests without knowing it too.


  • Krathoon Registered User regular

    August 17

    Wow. There is an Animal Farm video game. Yikes.

  • Tumin Registered User regular

    August 17 edited August 17

    Theres too much subtle crap on the ground for my blind ass

    I need a big yellow !

    Tumin on

  • Weaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular

    August 17 edited August 17

    My coordination today is horrible. Getting ready for the gym, went to put my hair up, takes glasses of and yeets them directly at the mirror. Pick them up, put on shelf, fix ponytail, go to grab glasses, knock off shelf across the bathroom onto the floor, bouncing off the side of the bathtub. Get to the gym, put glasses in locker, do cardio, go to get glasses, floop them out & up right onto the floor.

    I'm about to operate a motor vehicle. Remember me. edit: I live! (my gym is really close)

    Weaver on


  • Atomika Live fast and get f*cked or whatever Registered User regular

    August 17

    I still don’t want to go to work but today I get to also have a headache about it

  • Weaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular

    August 17

    Atomika wrote: »

    I still don’t want to go to work but today I get to also have a headache about it

    the worrrrrst I'm sorry


  • Tumin Registered User regular

    August 17

    Try being eaten by crocodiles


  • Weaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular

    August 17

    Tumin wrote: »

    Try being eaten by crocodiles

    Damnit Tumin you can't just Mola Ram your way out of every situation

  • cB557 voOOP Registered User regular

    August 17

    This conversation is close enough, I'm posting it again.
    Don't make me turn this [chat] around. - Page 46 (27)


  • credeiki Registered User regular

    August 17

    SummaryJudgment wrote: »

    Is there an organic way to engage meaningfully with the plot and lore of Elden Ring or is it all just having the wiki up on a second monitor (ain't nobody going to know you need precisely 39 int when you pray at a shrine to advance a side quest)

    If it's the latter, is there a decent way/method/progression of just reading the wiki?

    I mean it's mostly just vibes. What plot? Run around and find bigger and badder things and kill them. If at some point late in the game you're like huh, am I missing something with Ranni or whoever, you can look it up and see if there's some encounter you need to find that you didn't manage to find, but that's something you need to do like 3 times in the whole 100+ hours.

    Also you generally can figure out the most opaque sh*t (gesturing at certain areas) because people leave notes. (ofc they also leave fake notes asking you to gesture, but everywhere with a real secret does have messages.)

    Steam, LoL: credeiki


  • Atomika Live fast and get f*cked or whatever Registered User regular

    August 17

    Tumin wrote: »

    Try being eaten by crocodiles

    which you volunteer to be baptized

  • Krathoon Registered User regular

    August 17

    I would love to see a really good Elden Ring comedy sketch detailing all the annoying things the game does.

  • credeiki Registered User regular

    August 17

    Tumin wrote: »

    Im trying not to look up stuff for the DLC because I already have my Cool Favorite Weapons and Fashion Armors so missing things is fine, or whatever. I guess.

    But I am currently very frustrated with the map tbh. I cant tell if I missed something or if I need to go to the next area (which is v hard :[)

    oh my god the DLC map has some really irritating bits

    I have had to look up how to get to a few places because it's super not obvious

    also lfx told me that you can basically play through the whole DLC and only see maybe 30% of the game--and this seems true. I almost triggered the end plot sequence by mistake without exploring most of the map, because I just followed my instincts and that took me right along the quest path. So at this point I've deliberately derailed to go explore and be completionist--but this means it's like, how the f*ck do I get to this particular corner of the map, and then I have to look stuff up and it's less naturalistic and I put it aside for a moment

    ...also i finally looked up how to deal with the fire golems and am not sure if I'm going to take that on or not

    Steam, LoL: credeiki

  • Elendil Registered User regular

    August 17

    one thing that sucks is that my psplus ran out and i'm not reupping that sh*t, so i either have to click through a thing every time i load in or play offline and just not get messages

    i played through the DLC almost entirely offline and it made life harder than it really needed to be

  • skippydumptruck begin again Registered User regular

    August 17

    I had to work all last weekend and it sucked and I think it made me stressed during the week, because I didn't get disconnect time

    and now it's the weekend and I am at loose ends! what to do


  • skippydumptruck begin again Registered User regular

    August 17

    I guess I could go see borderlands



  • amateurhour One day I'll be professionalhour The woods somewhere in TennesseeRegistered User regular

    August 17

    skapps make a cake

    are YOU on the beer list?


  • Quid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular

    August 17

    Looks like there's a burn ban. I'll just pull up this burn ban map to see where I can have a campfire.


    Oh dear.


  • credeiki Registered User regular

    August 17

    skippydumptruck wrote: »

    I had to work all last weekend and it sucked and I think it made me stressed during the week, because I didn't get disconnect time

    and now it's the weekend and I am at loose ends! what to do

    yeah same, this past week was a big emotional challenge and I think the weekend work is to blame

    ...and I have to do some incredibly stupid optional consulting homework tomorrow that doesn't matter except to my promotion case, so maybe next week I'll feel the same! Trying to protect my saturday though

    I am also trying to detox from LoL for a while since it was making me genuinely salty (sorry for inflicting that on you, I should not have been playing at all monday) so trying to do something other than automatically engage in that habit is tough

    I am trying a game called Knock on the Coffin Lid which someone clearly put a ton of effort into. There are mechanics like Slay the Spire, with cards directly lifted from Slay the Spire, but you're exploring a map with a ton of writing and story ('s this really generic dark fantasy story...) So far it's also trivially easy but then again I have maybe played so much Slay the Spire that that isn't a fair judgment, and also it may get harder (and maybe my bad for playing it on difficulty 3/4 instead of 4/4, I'll ratchet it up soon. I don't know! I'm really intrigued by the concept of exploring a set map and returning to certain events to try different outcomes, in a way that's explicitly supported by the narrative (there's this sassy necromancer who keeps resurrecting you)

    Steam, LoL: credeiki


  • Auralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular

    August 17

    credeiki wrote: »

    I am trying a game called Knock on the Coffin Lid which someone clearly put a ton of effort into. There are mechanics like Slay the Spire, with cards directly lifted from Slay the Spire, but you're exploring a map with a ton of writing and story ('s this really generic dark fantasy story...) So far it's also trivially easy but then again I have maybe played so much Slay the Spire that that isn't a fair judgment, and also it may get harder (and maybe my bad for playing it on difficulty 3/4 instead of 4/4, I'll ratchet it up soon. I don't know! I'm really intrigued by the concept of exploring a set map and returning to certain events to try different outcomes, in a way that's explicitly supported by the narrative (there's this sassy necromancer who keeps resurrecting you)

    :shakes fist:

    Oh sure, just post about a cool card battler when I'm bored and my wife's out on a cruise. Thanks so much.


  • Weaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular

    August 17 edited August 17

    Quid wrote: »

    Looks like there's a burn ban. I'll just pull up this burn ban map to see where I can have a campfire.


    Oh dear.

    The closest place is probably November.

    Weaver on

  • Casual Eddy The Astral PlaneRegistered User regular

    August 17

    SummaryJudgment wrote: »

    Is there an organic way to engage meaningfully with the plot and lore of Elden Ring or is it all just having the wiki up on a second monitor (ain't nobody going to know you need precisely 39 int when you pray at a shrine to advance a side quest)

    If it's the latter, is there a decent way/method/progression of just reading the wiki?

    it's art

    just engage with it the way you want and get whatever meaning you want

    you don't need an instruction manual to enjoy a painting


  • Evil Multifarious Registered User regular

    August 17

    Casual Eddy wrote: »

    SummaryJudgment wrote: »

    Is there an organic way to engage meaningfully with the plot and lore of Elden Ring or is it all just having the wiki up on a second monitor (ain't nobody going to know you need precisely 39 int when you pray at a shrine to advance a side quest)

    If it's the latter, is there a decent way/method/progression of just reading the wiki?

    it's art

    just engage with it the way you want and get whatever meaning you want

    you don't need an instruction manual to enjoy a painting

    People with art criticism degrees, in shambles (but they already were so it's fine)


  • zepherin Russian warship, go f*ck yourself Registered User regular

    August 17

    More disco elysium

    Day 2

    The day started off fine

    Learned about crypto zoology met a billionaire talked to a group of people…and then I became an ultra liberal and things went…

    I broke into a lot of houses and a couple of businesses.

    I became friends with Cuno, learned the person with him probably killed some kids, then robbed his dad for a good amount of meth I split with cuno.

    Then I started drinking and doing meth.

    Almost picked a fight with the enforcement wing of the union

    Followed by waving my partners gun around and fighting myself to avoid putting the gun in my mouth

    And I finished the night playing a board game with my partner


  • Chanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular

    August 17

    Dawn of Defiance has some decent bones I think but still needs some time in the oven before i'd actually recommend playing it

    basically Valheim in Ancient Greece with some Soulslike boss encounters. i never actually played a Souls game so i don't know how much it compares but it feels easy to figure out, easy to mess up (bosses basically kill you in 2-3 hits)

    crafting and building is okay, a bit grindy but definitely not the worst i've seen

    the progression isn't bad in and of itself but it's not very well telegraphed and so can feel like a lot of wandering aimlessly until you find the thing you need for the next step

    crafting from storage works for stations but not for building which is just annoying

    your lumber mill can take up to 200 wood at a time, and you're often going to want to be processing lots of wood at once... you can't transfer stacks to it, you have to mash E 200 times to add 200 wood. bruh

    @Havelock2.0, your weather report

    Allegedly a voice of reason.


  • Evil Multifarious Registered User regular

    August 17 edited August 17

    My sister in-law wants the whole movie and its premise and setting explained to her before she watches it

    It was very funny watching Dune with her

    Meanwhile her husband was like "when watching a film, one watches and things are explained"

    Evil Multifarious on



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Don't make me turn this [chat] around. - Page 46 (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.