Muzan Stole My Wallet (2025)


Anonymous asked:

Why is Muzan the only one that can turn others into demons?

demonslayedher answered:

Aaaaaaahhhhhhh, I wonder about this, actually? He’s been super busy hanging out with the common riffraff making demons this whole time if that’s the case, I’d like to think that a lot of the time they just occur by accident, like when a regular demon is having its regular meal but some of their Muzan-infused blood drips into the victims’ injuries, hence why a lot of weaker demons only have small concentrations of his blood. I feel so convinced of this that I might have heard/read it somewhere, but I cannot place where. =_=;;;Please correct me if it was stated expressly somewhere that Muzan is physically present at the birth of each and every one of his demons, as opposed to each demon being created with some amount of his cells (which is more clearly the case in all but one demon).At least we know this much:1. Kokushibo delivered Muzan’s blood to Kaigaku, possibly/probably from his own highly concentrated cells. It’s possible Muzan never even laid eyes on Kaigaku and just let Kokushibo keep a pet.2. Yushiro.3. Muzan was present for demons created with a specific purpose he had in mind, often and experiment. What happens when he changes a Breath user? Puts in a ton of his own blood to make a super strong demon? Attacks a charcoal making family? Hmm.


I don’t think demons can just make other demons without Muzan being aware. Kokushibo states while turning Kaigaku into a demon,“if that man (Muzan) accepts you, you will become a demon”. Meaning that it isn’t just Kokushibo giving Kaigaku his blood, Muzan also needs to allow him to become a demon.

I also don’t think just ANYONE can do it. I think its similar to Rui creating his family, he was given permission from Muzan to give blood to other demons because he’s one of his favorites. If just having blood from a random demon enter your wounds could turn you into a demon, there would probably be a LOT more breath-user demons, since demon hunters are the most likely to get demon blood on them.

My final reason is that Tamayo even says it took her 200 years just to make one demon. If a demon could accidentally turn a human into a demon from just a tiny amount of blood, then I can’t really see any reason as to why it took Tamayo so long to create Yushiro. It sounds to me like she had tried before and hadn’t been successful. She probably had to try different ways to turn someone into a demon, like a drug or whatever, nut that’s just a theory.... a KNY theory lmao

Tldr; it is possible to create demons, but you need Muzan to be okay with it OR have broken of from Muzan’s curse and be a genius like Tamayo and have a LOT of patience

Those are really good considerations. It kept me thinking, and trying to push myself to recall a couple more details.One thing I misremembered: Muzan personally created Enmu, but had only meant to eat him initially. Based on what Enmu said to him as he was dying, Muzan decided to make him into a demon. I had misremembered it as Muzan discovering later that Enmu had turned into a demon as though by happenstance. If there is a hole I want to go into it.One thing I can’t find: As soon as Tanjiro smelled Muzan in Asakusa, he pursued him knowing this was the person who killed his family, and knowing his name. I had interpreted that (on my first watch of the anime, before diving into the manga) as this being the guy responsible for all demons so he’d at least be indirectly responsible, because it didn’t seem likely for Urokodaki to know that this particular demon was the one who did the killing if there were so many demons in the first place. Thinking back in this context it makes more sense for Urokodaki to have known that because Nezuko was turned into a demon, so it had to be Muzan. Also, I was just flipping through and can’t locate the panel(s) when Urokodaki tells Tanjiro the name of this demon who killed his family. If there is a hole I want to go into it.(Side note: Murata also considers Muzan the person who killed his family. Did someone in his family turn into a demon too?)So this is pointing toward Muzan going around and personally turning all those demons himself, even if he only gives a very miniscule amount of blood to most demons.A few of additional thoughts I had after reading your additions:

1. If sharing blood was all it took, Tamayo probably could had created demons more simply, but those demons would still have Muzan in them, and be susceptible to him. Creating a demon in a way that she felt confident she could trust them was probably what took her so long. I suspect she may had tried to parse between her unique cells and Muzan’s cells.2. On that note, while Rui had permission to share his blood, I interpret this as sharing his unique cells with other existing demons. This expands Rui’s influence (which Muzan might otherwise interpret as insubordination), and does not create new demons, only changes preexisting ones. With Rui being strong because of his higher concentration of Muzan’s blood, that probably meant the spiders benefitted from having more Muzan blood than they did before too.3. Totally agree on the Kokushibo stuff with making Kaigaku, like Kokushibo knew he had permission, but Kaigaku’s ultimate fate was still up to whether Muzan consciously accepted him and/or he could handle Muzan’s cells without dying. (I still feel like Muzan didn’t care all that much about Kaigaku...? I just want more Kaigaku content in the first place!)4. That is a super, super good point about more Corp members not becoming demons. If it stands true that Muzan doesn’t mind his influence spreading by way of happenstance (a lax permission of sorts, as long as those demons eventually get stronger and become useful to him), the only explanation I have for this is that when demons kill a Demon Slayer, they try to kill them good and dead??? Squash those bugs??

Maybe this is me just not wanting to believe Muzan bothers with personally creating each and everyone one of this hoard, a lot of them are weak, failed experiments and he’s got better things to do with his time, you know? But I don’t make the rules, Muzan makes the rules, and as long as we all follow them no one gets hurt. That’s a lie.


All of your points are really good and some things I hadn’t considered before!

First I wanna add, I found the panels where Urokodaki tells Tanjiro about Muzan (beginning of Chapter 11)

My personal thought on Murata is that he meant Muzan, by correlation, killed his family.“HE created the demon that killed my family, so in other words, HE killed my family”. Though since there’s no say as to what happened, it’s only my thoughts.

1. That is more or less what I was going for. I had been thinking, like how she modified her body to be able to not eat demons, she’d had to do the same in order to create demons. And the reason it took so long was from trial and error.

2. I had used Rui as more of an example for the whole“you need permission from Muzan to create demons”, cause of the spider sister saying that he got permission cause he was trusted. Your point about Rui mostly his own blood to control them was something I had never really thought deeply about actually. And then I started thinking about how much Muzan REALLY likes Rui. From letting him stay with his parents and almost have his normal life, to PERSONALLY visiting him right after he kills his parents to support him... Not gonna lie... kinda jealous of Rui lmao

3. I also don’t think he personally cares anymore about him than the previous Lower Moons. Though, he’d probably have SOME interest in him after awhile to make him into an Upper Moon. (Though I do understand that there were spots that needed to be filled, but he would’ve at least had to have met him once or at least have some interest to consider him a member. I feel like it’s a bit much to say he only ever considered him Kokushibo’s pet and ALSO give him such high status).

4. One thing I’d like to add to the last part is, Muzan only sees reason to make demons is to create a demon to survive the sun.... and distractions. Probably the reason why there’s a lot of low level demons is cause making them is a good way to throw off the demon slayer corp. Like when Tanjiro found him and the first thing he did was create a demon as a distraction. Maybe something similar like, the corp gets to close to finding him, so he makes them think that what they were picking up was just another random demon.

Another possibility is using demons more so as“eyes” kinda like Nakime, but more passive. Now this really is just a thought of my own, so take what you will. But, while killing off the Lower Moons in the manga, it talks about how Muzan knows where all of the demons he’s created are, even the ones that have broken his curse. (Beginning of Chapter 52)

A reason why I think he does bother with his horde is that he wants to make sure there isn’t ANYONE who will try to overthrow him. As Tamayo explains, that’s why demons can’t join together, unless they have full permission from him. Very tyrannical of him.

@ your tags: awwww thank you!! Making the monster arm and carrying it around the convention was a lot of work... it was so heavy... sad I’ll never get to carry it again cause of my shoulder.

While we’re here.......... I’ve been working on a crossover fanzine between kny and fma. I’ll retweet the preorder after I post this. It would be nice if you could check it out, but that’s up to you. Don’t mind my shameless advertisement lol


YES, THAT WAS THE SCENE I WAS LOOKING FOR, THANK YOU. So while it never comes straight out and says“Muzan was the one physically present to kill your family” it does pretty heavily imply that. Again, I had always taken the all demons have Muzan’s blood to some extent thing too far for granted. Creating throw-away demons to keep the Corp of his trail in addition to trying to make a sun resistant demon makes sense.Regarding Kaigaku: ^^; I was indeed giving in to sarcasm because I wish Kaigaku as a character could have had a smidge more foreshadowing (instead of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it appearances in Zenitsu and Himejima’s flashbacks), as well as more meat to his arc with having met Muzan, who he’d have been very, very invested in getting approval from. It’s stated a couple times that after creating Kokushibo Muzan no longer had any interest in turning Breath users into demons, so that adds to Kaigaku’s demon existence and rank being something I wish we could had heard more about.But also, OH MY GOSH, YES, JUST HOW MUCH DID MUZAN KNOW??? Why didn’t he attack Ubuyashiki sooner if he found him??? And why did he wait so long after seeing Nezuko’s transformation to give them the leeway of a training arc with all his other demons being inactive for that time?????MUZAN, YOU FLIPPING ENIGMA.And good luck on your zine project!


Man, it would’ve been nice to get more hints for Kaigaku. Like a scene of him becoming an Upper Moon, not only could we see a bit of how it’s done, but also a sneak peak at what’s to come 👀 (also more Muzan content.... I totally don’t have a problem what are you talking aboooout)

I also just realized that bit of info about Muzan knowing exactly where they are is a bit of a plothole? Since he has to have Nakime search for them in Chapter 134.

Maybe that’s why it was left out of the anime... 🤔 My only guess is that its a passive“knowing” since that’s probably a lot to keep track of the whereabouts of every single demon... Idk just something I had remembered and ended up reading that part of the manga again just to make sure. (Another thought is maybe he was just busy killing off the Lower Moons, that info took a back seat for him and he ended up forgetting but....)

Off topic but I’m having so much fun re-reading the training arc, omg I’m excited to see this animated. Its so stupidly hilarious.


Reblogging because I think that nicely sums this topic up on how much we know or don't know about how Muzan operates. This still doesn't totally answer your question, Anon, but hopefully it helps to parce out your own conclusions. (^^)/

(You know what else I can't wait to see animated? Pages and pages worth of Tanjiro and Kotetsu being goofballs. I noticed the other day that Kotetsu was throwing rocks at Haganezuka while he was down and I burst out laughing.)


I was re-reading the kny manga and I found this page, I wanted to share it cause it reminded me of this, and confirms that the Upper Moons cannot make demons. Its from chapter 195




This manga is like one big treasure hunt. *faints*



I even realized that we see him use a Blood Demon Art AT THE VERY BEGINNING of this arc!

I remember a youtuber who’d make videos about each chapter as they released and kept complaining about how we never saw his blood demon art till the very end.... I really wanna show this to him.



Like, this isn't even Muzan's unique blood technique, he's REPURPOSING the thorn technique that Tamayo is using on him from the Asakusa demon, isn't he?

Daaaaaaaang, Muzan, DAAAAAAAAAANG. It goes to show how the demons are all practically one life form tied to him, like an aspen forest with one joint root system.

Muzan Stole My Wallet (2025)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.