Tri-Cities Influencer Podcast with Paul Casey: Tri-Cities Influencer: Jet Richardson (2024)

Jan 8, 2022

00:00:06.600 --> 00:00:24.810
Paul Casey: it's a great day to grow forward thanks for joining metoday's episode with jet Richardson he's executive director ofhabitat for humanity here in the tri cities and a fun fact aboutjet well, he said he's allowed sneezer jet tell us more aboutthat.

00:00:26.970 --> 00:00:28.530
Jet's iPhone: I don't know if there's much.

00:00:28.560 --> 00:00:30.180
Jet's iPhone: More to actually tell you.

00:00:31.920 --> 00:00:33.870
Paul Casey: You could show no no don't do that.

00:00:34.440 --> 00:00:34.890

00:00:36.390 --> 00:00:42.570
Jet's iPhone: People off often quite surprised and it's a, it is afamily trait, so I will.

00:00:43.830 --> 00:00:48.120
Jet's iPhone: throw my turn my dad under the bus here a little bitand I get it from him.

00:00:49.890 --> 00:00:50.160
Paul Casey: wow.

00:00:52.380 --> 00:00:57.480
Paul Casey: Alright well we'll dive in with jet after checking inwith our tries to the influencer sponsor.

00:00:58.950 --> 00:01:02.670
Paul Casey: Thank you for your support of leadership development inthe tri cities.

00:01:03.420 --> 00:01:19.710
Paul Casey: Well, welcome Jeff I was privileged to meet you wayback in 1995 where I was an elementary principal at libertyChristian school, it was even before that was the vice principalthe first year I moved and I think you were in seventh grade soit's been a while.

00:01:21.420 --> 00:01:23.580
Jet's iPhone: That was a long time ago, yes yeah.

00:01:24.420 --> 00:01:25.590
Paul Casey: Look at you now.

00:01:27.330 --> 00:01:28.890
Jet's iPhone: i'm not much taller but.

00:01:30.990 --> 00:01:36.330
Jet's iPhone: I think I have done some things that are a bitdifferent or unexpected since then.

00:01:37.110 --> 00:01:41.910
Paul Casey: Yes, well help our tri city influencers get to know youtell us about.

00:01:43.260 --> 00:01:48.600
Paul Casey: What habitat does tell us what you do for 80% of yourday all that stuff.

00:01:49.470 --> 00:01:50.550
Jet's iPhone: yeah so.

00:01:51.600 --> 00:02:03.510
Jet's iPhone: habitat for humanity tri county partners is theofficial name of our local affiliate here we're located primarilyin tri cities, but we do work.

00:02:04.020 --> 00:02:15.840
Jet's iPhone: And walla walla as well and and, quite frankly, ourgeographical service area sorry geographic servicer is all ofBenton Franklin and walla walla counties.

00:02:16.770 --> 00:02:32.370
Jet's iPhone: So we have a lot of work ahead of us, currently we'vebeen in the tri cities we've been operating as an affiliate for 26years but we've only really worked and Pascoe ritual and andkennewick and walla walla.

00:02:33.960 --> 00:02:45.090
Jet's iPhone: We would love to expand that influence to the outerparts of our counties someday and looking forward to figuring outhow to do that habitats mission.

00:02:45.900 --> 00:03:04.350
Jet's iPhone: is seeking to put god's love into action habitat forhumanity brings people together to build homes communities and hopeand our vision is that everyone in the tri county area would have adecent place to call home.

00:03:05.550 --> 00:03:06.360
Jet's iPhone: We don't.

00:03:07.500 --> 00:03:18.540
Jet's iPhone: We don't give homes away people partner with us topurchase the homes, we provide every discount that we can to makethem as affordable as possible.

00:03:19.770 --> 00:03:22.380
Jet's iPhone: For low income families in our in our area.

00:03:23.940 --> 00:03:29.700
Jet's iPhone: But that's the mission and that's the vision that weare trying to carry out here locally.

00:03:30.780 --> 00:03:40.200
Paul Casey: What I love about the vision is it's so big you know Ithink big visions should be big that it makes it just draws us forlike that everyone has.

00:03:40.590 --> 00:03:49.320
Paul Casey: A great place to live right and it's just like man, ifyou worked every second of every day, it would still be this bigvision that you'd still be shooting for so.

00:03:49.380 --> 00:03:53.670
Jet's iPhone: We hope we certainly hope to work ourselves out of ajob yeah.

00:03:53.850 --> 00:03:54.240

00:03:55.440 --> 00:04:07.530
Jet's iPhone: And, but what's the point in doing this, if you stillhave people who are homeless or housing insecure in some way oranother, we there's still a lot of work to do.

00:04:08.490 --> 00:04:14.670
Paul Casey: Here here so you're an executive director, what do youspend 80% of your day doing.

00:04:15.960 --> 00:04:20.850
Jet's iPhone: Oh, I I probably spend 80% of my day asking otherpeople how to be an executive director.

00:04:24.180 --> 00:04:25.470
Jet's iPhone: it's a very humble answer.

00:04:27.210 --> 00:04:43.470
Jet's iPhone: I, I will say I I probably spend 80% of my daylearning, though in some way, shape or form i'm I feel like i'mconstantly learning or re educating myself on what I think are goodpractices for urban planning housing.

00:04:45.210 --> 00:04:57.870
Jet's iPhone: i'm learning, who are people and other organizationsthat habitat needs to somehow partner with in the Community, or atthe State level or even at the federal level.

00:04:59.220 --> 00:05:03.000
Jet's iPhone: Constantly researching grant opportunities.

00:05:04.560 --> 00:05:05.850
Jet's iPhone: opportunities that would.

00:05:07.290 --> 00:05:20.130
Jet's iPhone: increase the affordable ness of homes that we're thatwe're doing and and then asking people to be a part of that so yeahi'd say 80% of my job is is is learning how to do it.

00:05:21.180 --> 00:05:22.440
Jet's iPhone: in some way, shape or form.

00:05:22.710 --> 00:05:26.160
Paul Casey: Great answer yes and so why do you love what youdo.

00:05:27.870 --> 00:05:28.350
Jet's iPhone: hmm.

00:05:29.610 --> 00:05:30.090
Jet's iPhone: I think I.

00:05:31.230 --> 00:05:39.870
Jet's iPhone: I want to I you know, I was looking at that questionearlier and I think it's a real privilege to love what you do.

00:05:41.220 --> 00:05:53.460
Jet's iPhone: I don't think it's something that everybodyexperiences or is experiencing, currently, especially in this inthis current era where job job security.

00:05:54.570 --> 00:05:56.040
Jet's iPhone: and employment has been.

00:05:57.150 --> 00:06:00.510
Jet's iPhone: Just all over the map, so to say so.

00:06:01.860 --> 00:06:08.460
Jet's iPhone: To love what you do I think it's a huge privilege andto have something to do it's a huge.

00:06:09.690 --> 00:06:10.770
Jet's iPhone: blessing in itself.

00:06:12.240 --> 00:06:12.720
Jet's iPhone: So.

00:06:14.130 --> 00:06:17.700
Jet's iPhone: So I, as I was thinking about that you know whyreally.

00:06:19.020 --> 00:06:20.760
Jet's iPhone: kind of stands out because.

00:06:23.790 --> 00:06:25.530
Jet's iPhone: I love, what I do.

00:06:27.810 --> 00:06:34.140
Jet's iPhone: Because it's something that I think I find justinspiring and motivating.

00:06:35.280 --> 00:06:42.720
Jet's iPhone: To see people come together to be a part of buildinga better community.

00:06:44.160 --> 00:06:54.660
Jet's iPhone: And at the same time working for an organization likehabitat it's a triple win you know it's it's it's a win for.

00:06:56.130 --> 00:07:09.180
Jet's iPhone: The people that we serve who want to get out ofsubsidized Rentals and into affordable home ownership create wealthand opportunity for their children and their grandchildren.

00:07:10.050 --> 00:07:28.800
Jet's iPhone: it's a win for the communities that we are constantlyevaluating and looking for ways to make sure that everybody movesforward and upward and it's a win, for I think myself just to be apart of that and to be a part of the staff.

00:07:30.060 --> 00:07:37.080
Jet's iPhone: And people who feel similarly similarly passionateabout the issue of housing.

00:07:38.490 --> 00:07:44.850
Paul Casey: yeah I can hear your gratefulness coming through inthat answer I can hear your passion for the mission which is.

00:07:45.480 --> 00:07:55.080
Paul Casey: What you want from any nonprofit executive leader,because it just spills out into like I said, the staff and thefamilies and the Community so love that.

00:07:55.650 --> 00:08:06.630
Paul Casey: So Jen and your journey to be where you are today whathave you learned from previous bosses supervisors that could begood or bad that you keep in mind today, while you lead.

00:08:08.820 --> 00:08:16.080
Jet's iPhone: that's a really good question um i've had my share ofbosses over the years.

00:08:17.490 --> 00:08:21.810
Jet's iPhone: And i've had like you said, good and bad ones, Ithink we all have.

00:08:23.520 --> 00:08:34.170
Jet's iPhone: Even if, even if they weren't explicitly bad bossesyou've had bosses that weren't as great as others you've hadfavorite people to work for and people that you just work with youknow.

00:08:37.050 --> 00:08:46.230
Jet's iPhone: As I think about what the good bosses or the bossesin my life that I have the most respect for and.

00:08:47.490 --> 00:09:05.190
Jet's iPhone: How I feel that I have taken that experience and tomy own managerial role is recognizing that their success sorry thepeople that work for me that report to me their success.

00:09:06.600 --> 00:09:20.250
Jet's iPhone: is not a zero sum game their success is not mean myfailure if they say that they if they succeed and move away or moveon to bigger and better things.

00:09:20.700 --> 00:09:30.750
Jet's iPhone: outside of the role or the job that they have rightnow it's not a failure on my part, that is, that is awesome to beable to cultivate.

00:09:31.650 --> 00:09:39.900
Jet's iPhone: relationships with people and develop skills andother people that they can then take on to more opportunities forthemselves bigger and better.

00:09:40.290 --> 00:09:51.690
Jet's iPhone: and exciting things for them that's a huge successthat's something that not all my bosses felt, you know they theyfelt some of my bosses previously felt like.

00:09:52.560 --> 00:10:02.610
Jet's iPhone: They needed to keep me in a role, because it wasgood, it looks good for them, but they didn't want to see muchgrowth, they just wanted to see that.

00:10:02.940 --> 00:10:04.590
Jet's iPhone: job was getting done.

00:10:05.130 --> 00:10:11.910
Jet's iPhone: And then they went on themselves to bigger and betterthings and just kind of leave you behind and so.

00:10:13.230 --> 00:10:15.720
Jet's iPhone: What I what i've taken away was that.

00:10:16.740 --> 00:10:21.840
Jet's iPhone: I want to see the people that work for me achievemore than me.

00:10:23.820 --> 00:10:26.460
Jet's iPhone: Because that's that's.

00:10:27.630 --> 00:10:29.340
Jet's iPhone: that's success that I can.

00:10:30.570 --> 00:10:36.420
Jet's iPhone: I can really be proud of, so I think looking foropportunities with people.

00:10:38.250 --> 00:10:44.910
Jet's iPhone: To try new things to develop skills really understandwhat motivates them and what.

00:10:46.050 --> 00:10:55.170
Jet's iPhone: Their goals are so that I can, if I can play a partin helping them achieve that I think that's it's just veryrewarding.

00:10:56.490 --> 00:10:57.030
Jet's iPhone: and

00:10:58.050 --> 00:11:13.740
Jet's iPhone: i'm surprised, as I look back over my bosses thatthat that that is rare doesn't wasn't always the case, but I had afew and honestly I believe that's partly why I felt the confidenceto go after this role.

00:11:14.910 --> 00:11:22.050
Jet's iPhone: And to be doing what i'm doing now is because theycultivated that success in me.

00:11:23.250 --> 00:11:30.780
Paul Casey: Well, so good yeah I don't think people should be in aleadership role my personal opinion is shouldn't be in a leadershiprole if they don't have.

00:11:31.200 --> 00:11:38.910
Paul Casey: The growth and development of their people as one oftheir primary functions, I really believe that we have to help ourpeople get better.

00:11:39.210 --> 00:11:44.760
Paul Casey: So you're right when that day comes when they move onto some other green pasture maybe it's greener.

00:11:45.330 --> 00:11:58.680
Paul Casey: That we we have set them up for success and we smileand cheer them on as they leave because they have become betterunder our watch, then they came in and it wasn't just a steppingstone.

00:11:59.040 --> 00:12:05.220
Paul Casey: And an endurance that we just got through another daytogether, but we were very intentional in that and leadership.

00:12:06.930 --> 00:12:18.210
Paul Casey: So leaders, also have to fire themselves up becauseevery day you're out in front you're the face of the organization,where do you go jet for inspiration as a leader to fire yourselfup.

00:12:20.880 --> 00:12:23.850
Jet's iPhone: I really wish I had a better answer for this.

00:12:25.800 --> 00:12:26.490
Jet's iPhone: I think.

00:12:30.060 --> 00:12:31.110
Jet's iPhone: In order to.

00:12:32.940 --> 00:12:38.760
Jet's iPhone: inspire myself for habitat and at this epic pass viathe executive director.

00:12:39.900 --> 00:12:45.600
Jet's iPhone: it's important for me to be in contact and to workwith other executive directors from around the state.

00:12:48.090 --> 00:12:50.940
Jet's iPhone: hearing what they're working on what their challengesare.

00:12:52.770 --> 00:12:58.560
Jet's iPhone: It allows me opportunity to learn and informsometimes.

00:12:59.790 --> 00:13:07.230
Jet's iPhone: I think there are there are affiliate leaders that Ican offer some solutions to or guidance or and then other times andmost likely.

00:13:08.040 --> 00:13:26.070
Jet's iPhone: they're offering that for me and and it's a it's areminder that the mission like you said is big and it's bigger thanour affiliate it's bigger than our State actually and our countrywhat habitats trying to do around the world.

00:13:27.420 --> 00:13:44.250
Jet's iPhone: Is a huge undertaking, and I think, making sure thatI have some regular connection with other people that are servingat the same capacity level that I am is important, just to not getburnt out.

00:13:46.200 --> 00:13:50.460
Jet's iPhone: But to remind myself, that there are there are many,many other people.

00:13:51.840 --> 00:13:56.970
Jet's iPhone: engaged in this work and who have stories ofinspiration that.

00:13:58.470 --> 00:13:59.130
Jet's iPhone: are good for me.

00:14:00.420 --> 00:14:11.730
Paul Casey: yeah because it's stories of inspiration pull us upeven their frustrations, we can commiserate with like oh otherpeople struggle to not just me i'm not struggling here bymyself.

00:14:12.150 --> 00:14:14.040
Paul Casey: and ideas get traded.

00:14:14.310 --> 00:14:21.060
Paul Casey: that's why I love mastermind groups I think you're inone with some executive directors, that I know of as well.

00:14:21.720 --> 00:14:29.850
Paul Casey: As well as in your industry with habitat and otheraffiliate directors so tries to the influencer listeners if you'renot in some kind of group.

00:14:30.360 --> 00:14:47.430
Paul Casey: Where people at your level your role within yourindustry or just across industries gather, I would say form onemake a group invite some friends keep each other accountable keepeach other pumped up and you'll you'll look forward to thosemeetings each and every month.

00:14:49.170 --> 00:15:01.770
Paul Casey: And then jet there's the continuous improvement aspectI know you're a learner and so you have to set the tone andleadership for learning what are you currently working on yourselfto better yourself.

00:15:03.810 --> 00:15:04.200
Jet's iPhone: I think.

00:15:05.220 --> 00:15:05.820
Jet's iPhone: i'm.

00:15:07.080 --> 00:15:13.650
Jet's iPhone: dive into more specifically, some of the things thatI i'm learning about one of those areas is.

00:15:16.710 --> 00:15:19.950
Jet's iPhone: In the area of racial reconciliation.

00:15:21.210 --> 00:15:34.560
Jet's iPhone: You know tri cities i've well i've lived i've had theopportunity to live in many urban environments, bigger than the tricities, other countries and continents.

00:15:35.880 --> 00:15:50.130
Jet's iPhone: And one of the things that I don't think i've everreally thought very carefully about or critically about is what isthe racial diversity of our own community here locally and.

00:15:51.840 --> 00:15:56.370
Jet's iPhone: I think it was became very pertinent this last yearand a half.

00:15:57.420 --> 00:16:02.400
Jet's iPhone: As the racial reconciliation conversation has youknow sparked.

00:16:03.600 --> 00:16:06.990
Jet's iPhone: Many, many, many debates and just.

00:16:08.010 --> 00:16:23.310
Jet's iPhone: passionate conversations all over the country, whatdoes that mean for us locally and we're not exempt from it, whatbut what does that look like, and so one of the things that i'vejust been trying to read up and better understand is.

00:16:25.050 --> 00:16:27.540
Jet's iPhone: This is what does that mean here.

00:16:28.650 --> 00:16:31.710
Jet's iPhone: habitat for humanity's very existence.

00:16:32.940 --> 00:16:38.160
Jet's iPhone: started in rural Georgia, you know 50 years agoand.

00:16:39.450 --> 00:16:49.320
Jet's iPhone: It was along those lines of racial reconciliation andhow do we, how does how, how do communities, provide for.

00:16:50.250 --> 00:16:57.120
Jet's iPhone: People and create opportunity for those that need it,the most and those that need it, the most in Georgia at that time,where the sharecroppers.

00:16:57.660 --> 00:17:17.640
Jet's iPhone: So habitats existence its roots is in racialreconciliation and then never really thought about that aspect ofthe organization and its mission until this last year and a halfand wanting to better understand how does that How does thatapplied to us locally.

00:17:19.110 --> 00:17:34.770
Jet's iPhone: Who are who are the people that we are are trying toserve and what does that look like and not to shy away from theconversation, but actually just try to educate myself a little bitmore, so that we can come up with.

00:17:35.880 --> 00:17:40.500
Jet's iPhone: Collaborative approaches to address, whatever thesituation is.

00:17:41.250 --> 00:17:49.740
Paul Casey: so good, and I think we have tri cities recently in thefall had a diversity equity inclusion conference I don't know ifyou went to that.

00:17:50.580 --> 00:17:56.220
Paul Casey: But I heard, I heard good things that it's one of theways this area is trying to do what you're doing, which is sogood.

00:17:56.490 --> 00:18:11.070
Paul Casey: Not just go back to your organization's roots and pullthat forward into the present here in tri cities, but like you saidto not shy away from the discussion, but to learn, even if youdon't feel like an expert on it just keep learning about it, sothat you can be a part of the discussion.

00:18:14.010 --> 00:18:27.480
Paul Casey: How do you balance and integrate family time personaltime jet you know work as a nonprofit executive could take up everyminute of your day and week So how do you give that prioritytime.

00:18:27.930 --> 00:18:35.610
Paul Casey: To work so that family doesn't suffer and families, sothat work doesn't suffer it's probably not an easy answer, but whatare you currently trying.

00:18:37.980 --> 00:18:44.040
Jet's iPhone: Honestly, Paul this isn't a struggle for me I II.

00:18:45.150 --> 00:18:52.620
Jet's iPhone: I love the work and I realized that it doesn't alwaysfit the standard nine to five.

00:18:54.300 --> 00:19:00.360
Jet's iPhone: date, you know typical work week that other jobs havebut.

00:19:01.860 --> 00:19:02.700
Jet's iPhone: The balance.

00:19:02.760 --> 00:19:15.990
Jet's iPhone: For me, is is in boundaries it's when i'm home i'mhome that's that's where I I turn off that's where I unwind I don'tI try not to check my email too much unless.

00:19:16.680 --> 00:19:18.090
Jet's iPhone: i'm waiting on something that.

00:19:18.150 --> 00:19:29.910
Jet's iPhone: needed my response you know when i'm home it's that'sit i'm i've never been one that works well from home I work betterfrom you this.

00:19:30.450 --> 00:19:48.030
Jet's iPhone: And so, this whole I think the bigger challenge hasbeen you know in our current environment with everyone, preferringto work from home how do I get my staff to come back to the officeto work with me here because that's where I work better when i'mwhen i'm at the office.

00:19:48.300 --> 00:19:48.840
Jet's iPhone: working.

00:19:49.170 --> 00:19:51.630
Jet's iPhone: And when i'm when i'm at home i'm relaxing.

00:19:53.490 --> 00:20:02.850
Jet's iPhone: So, having those boundaries, I think, is reallyimportant for me to achieve that that balance but, honestly, ithasn't been.

00:20:04.230 --> 00:20:11.160
Jet's iPhone: It really hasn't been an issue you know, maybe there,maybe i'm maybe that's a blind spot that I need to think about andtalk to my board.

00:20:12.180 --> 00:20:13.650
Jet's iPhone: If they feel like I haven't gotten a.

00:20:13.920 --> 00:20:14.490

00:20:15.780 --> 00:20:16.710
Jet's iPhone: times but.

00:20:17.220 --> 00:20:24.750
Jet's iPhone: To be honest, it's it's boundaries and it's also it'salso staffing, you know I, I have a staff that.

00:20:25.890 --> 00:20:38.940
Jet's iPhone: is amazing, and they do their jobs well and I don'thave to worry about little things if I know that they're takingcare of it, you know they're they're doing their job they're doingit well.

00:20:40.470 --> 00:20:52.290
Jet's iPhone: And, and things are getting done, even if i'm notwatching them and so when i'm when I can when I leave the office, Ican I can turn my brain off a little bit and and just relax.

00:20:53.160 --> 00:21:01.050
Paul Casey: I applaud your great boundaries, because the work willstill be there tomorrow and most things that we make urgent aretruly urgent so.

00:21:01.380 --> 00:21:12.450
Paul Casey: I really applaud that and I think you're right on thatthe best work life balance is a great staff or a great team wrappedaround you at which you can empower to keep doing great thingsand.

00:21:12.870 --> 00:21:26.340
Paul Casey: You recharge your batteries, so you can stay out infront so yeah totally totally applaud that and I want to talk moreabout your team, but let's uh let's pause before we head into thatnext question and give a shout out to our sponsor.

00:21:29.700 --> 00:21:36.270
Paul Casey: So Jeff let's talk about hiring and retaining greatemployees, probably more pertinent today than ever before, how.

00:21:36.660 --> 00:21:47.430
Paul Casey: what's your process or the organization's process forattracting great talent and then what are you trying to dointentionally in the workplace, so that employees, want to staywith you.

00:21:51.120 --> 00:21:53.910
Jet's iPhone: Well, if someone has figured this out, please let meknow.

00:21:56.070 --> 00:21:57.840
Paul Casey: you're supposed to have all the answers for.

00:21:59.850 --> 00:22:00.600
Jet's iPhone: Certainly.

00:22:00.690 --> 00:22:07.980
Jet's iPhone: Certainly, do not have all the answers in this area,but it is a pertinent question because we are in the hiring processright now.

00:22:07.980 --> 00:22:08.310
Paul Casey: For.

00:22:08.700 --> 00:22:10.170
Jet's iPhone: For two key positions.

00:22:11.580 --> 00:22:12.120
Jet's iPhone: and

00:22:14.040 --> 00:22:20.100
Jet's iPhone: This will be since i've been at the in the role here,probably the fourth or fifth person i've i've hired.

00:22:21.630 --> 00:22:27.030
Jet's iPhone: And what i've learned through that process is tomanage expectations early.

00:22:28.680 --> 00:22:29.760
Jet's iPhone: it's really.

00:22:30.900 --> 00:22:34.620
Jet's iPhone: You know it's it's a it's a, you have the jobdescription.

00:22:36.570 --> 00:22:52.050
Jet's iPhone: In front of you, and you know you put that out as asand post it and people are applying to it, and I think what'scommon in every single nonprofit job description i've ever read isthe very last point additional duties as we acquire.

00:22:53.820 --> 00:22:55.800
Paul Casey: The most important one yeah.

00:22:55.890 --> 00:23:03.000
Jet's iPhone: which you know automatically I think this last hiringround I just took that last bullet and moved it to the top.

00:23:04.200 --> 00:23:04.620
Jet's iPhone: First.

00:23:04.680 --> 00:23:05.340
Jet's iPhone: first thing.

00:23:07.080 --> 00:23:16.740
Jet's iPhone: But, but it it it speaks to I think the biggerchallenge of managing expectations, you know we are anaffiliate.

00:23:17.880 --> 00:23:22.050
Jet's iPhone: Locally with about eight to 10 full time equivalentstaff.

00:23:23.970 --> 00:23:32.070
Jet's iPhone: we're not large by any means and but we're not we'renot the smallest in the state, but it means that we all wearmultiple hats.

00:23:32.220 --> 00:23:43.380
Jet's iPhone: And we all do, different things, and as someoneproves themselves, efficient and effective and in a in a capacitythat we didn't expect well that's a new job for them, you know.

00:23:44.370 --> 00:23:45.150
Jet's iPhone: it's a.

00:23:45.270 --> 00:23:56.850
Jet's iPhone: it's it's but it's about for me it's about managingexpectations, so that people realize that you know what we doisn't.

00:23:57.900 --> 00:24:15.600
Jet's iPhone: limited to our job descriptions that it, it has weall have a bigger role beyond our job description and so to not shyaway from from what that means taking on responsibilities, youmight not have expected to take on, but being able to do thatgraciously and.

00:24:16.650 --> 00:24:25.140
Jet's iPhone: and positively, you know that's that's important oneof the things I think, for us, though, is a lot of people don'trealize.

00:24:26.610 --> 00:24:28.920
Jet's iPhone: habitats connection to the faith community.

00:24:29.940 --> 00:24:30.900
Jet's iPhone: Our background.

00:24:31.950 --> 00:24:43.350
Jet's iPhone: In our very inception, was it with two twomissionaries in a pastor in southern Georgia and that that aspectof our mission seeking to put god's love and action has.

00:24:43.920 --> 00:24:54.330
Jet's iPhone: permeated everything that we do, but I feel a lot ofpeople don't realize that and so sometimes they come into the roleand it's like oh I didn't know that this.

00:24:54.900 --> 00:25:05.460
Jet's iPhone: organization was like that and and and it, it canmake some people uncomfortable if they're not prepared for it sothat's that's one of those aspects of managing expectations, makingsure.

00:25:05.850 --> 00:25:13.170
Jet's iPhone: That everybody that comes into the organization isclear on what we're about and what we do and why we do it it's.

00:25:13.680 --> 00:25:17.730
Jet's iPhone: it's certainly not to limit or isolate anybody,but.

00:25:18.930 --> 00:25:20.250
Jet's iPhone: it's one of those things where.

00:25:21.360 --> 00:25:26.580
Jet's iPhone: If everyone understands the job description and themission fully.

00:25:27.750 --> 00:25:28.170
Jet's iPhone: Then.

00:25:29.760 --> 00:25:48.930
Jet's iPhone: If you want to be a part of the team then greatthere's a role for you, and if not, we hope that you find the rolethat the job or the organization that fits for you, better, butfrom the very beginning, from day one from when they the firstinterview starts there yeah.

00:25:48.960 --> 00:25:55.620
Paul Casey: being very clear with the why the vision, the mission,if you want to align with us we're going this direction.

00:25:56.160 --> 00:26:00.300
Paul Casey: Jim Collins always talked about getting the right seatpeople in the right seats on the on the bus.

00:26:00.840 --> 00:26:06.840
Paul Casey: So huge and I do a seminar on giving and receivingfeedback constructively.

00:26:07.260 --> 00:26:20.340
Paul Casey: And I my definition of feedback is calibratingexpectations, just two words so you talked about managingexpectations, because that's where the conflict, usually happens ona team is I thought.

00:26:20.730 --> 00:26:35.550
Paul Casey: I was supposed to do this, you thought I was supposedto do this, and now we have a conflict so as a leader, if we canmanage that make it as clear as possible and keep people updatedalong the way there's a good chance we're going to have less ofthat unnecessary conflict.

00:26:36.990 --> 00:26:47.370
Paul Casey: How do you feel about delegation jet is that a strugglefor you, is it something that comes naturally any tips ondelegation that you've learned, while you've been in the Leaderchair.

00:26:47.970 --> 00:26:49.710
Jet's iPhone: I love telling people what to do.

00:26:51.300 --> 00:26:51.600
Paul Casey: Okay.

00:26:51.630 --> 00:26:52.890
Jet's iPhone: next question, not a problem.

00:26:56.190 --> 00:27:15.900
Jet's iPhone: Well, no it's it's it's I think it's something that Irely on quite a bit like I said we're a small staff, and we allhave our job descriptions, or maybe we should say our jobsuggestions of like this is the idea that we all went books, butthe flexibility to do other things.

00:27:17.220 --> 00:27:23.760
Jet's iPhone: means that I can I can assign tasks that come uprather randomly or unexpectedly.

00:27:24.780 --> 00:27:27.900
Jet's iPhone: To two people that I know that they'll get done.

00:27:30.690 --> 00:27:40.500
Jet's iPhone: One thing, though I I try to keep in mind, as Idelegate anything is Am I delegating something that I wouldn't bewilling to do myself.

00:27:42.540 --> 00:27:59.400
Jet's iPhone: And if I find that that's the case, then I I don'tdelegate that task, I hope that if you ever talked to any of mystaff, they would say he's never asked me to do something that hehasn't done or been willing to do himself.

00:27:59.460 --> 00:28:00.570
Paul Casey: Yes, yes.

00:28:00.630 --> 00:28:09.690
Jet's iPhone: um, so I think, then, with that thought in mind, asI, as I delegate some sometimes I think people don't like todelegate because.

00:28:11.370 --> 00:28:20.610
Jet's iPhone: they're afraid that the task won't get done well, orto their standards and that's to me that's a communication problem,not.

00:28:21.090 --> 00:28:23.100
Jet's iPhone: A or Anna micromanaging problem.

00:28:23.280 --> 00:28:32.550
Jet's iPhone: If you have a staff that you trust and haveexperienced success with then it's no problem delegating things tothem, because you know the job will get done well.

00:28:34.080 --> 00:28:41.490
Jet's iPhone: And if it doesn't then it was probably acommunication error from my part so it's a learning point thereanother learning opportunity there.

00:28:41.880 --> 00:28:48.090
Paul Casey: yeah donation equals good I mean good communication isessential part of good delegation.

00:28:48.720 --> 00:29:04.080
Jet's iPhone: Right, but then for me to delegate, something I canconfidently say i've done this, I know what you got to do like Ican help you with it, but you got this you know it's it's a taskthat I.

00:29:05.550 --> 00:29:18.690
Jet's iPhone: I i've done and I i'm i'm not shirking theresponsibility by giving it to you, but actually i'm still do thatyou can do this well so that's that's kind of the difference therefeel.

00:29:19.830 --> 00:29:32.490
Jet's iPhone: When it comes to delegation is is really just beingmindful of what i'm asking someone to do, and this is somethingthat I wouldn't ask someone that I if it's something that I haven'tdone or wouldn't do myself and why am I, asking them to do it.

00:29:34.650 --> 00:29:38.010
Jet's iPhone: it's it's important, I think, to understand thatabout myself.

00:29:38.640 --> 00:29:45.390
Paul Casey: yeah that's delegation isn't dumping and that's whatoften people do and they're not willing to do it themselves so it'sleading by example.

00:29:45.870 --> 00:29:57.510
Paul Casey: And being a servant leader, which you're illustratingwith that so we're learning that about you jet and also that ifyou're proficient in your organization, we reward you with morework no just kidding.

00:30:00.210 --> 00:30:01.770
Paul Casey: The duties as assigned right.

00:30:02.700 --> 00:30:03.570
Jet's iPhone: Oh yeah I think.

00:30:04.590 --> 00:30:05.730
Jet's iPhone: that's true but.

00:30:07.170 --> 00:30:11.160
Jet's iPhone: you're responsible with with the little things you'llbe possible with.

00:30:12.180 --> 00:30:14.820
Paul Casey: Oh it's so good, I think that's in the Biblesomewhere.

00:30:15.810 --> 00:30:16.050
Jet's iPhone: that's.

00:30:16.290 --> 00:30:24.510
Paul Casey: Good that's good well Jeff Finally, what advice wouldyou give to new leaders or anyone who wants to keep growing andgaining more influence.

00:30:30.300 --> 00:30:34.410
Jet's iPhone: wow I consider myself a new leader too so.

00:30:36.420 --> 00:30:40.020
Jet's iPhone: it's for me the answer to this is a little bit of theblind leading the blind.

00:30:41.010 --> 00:30:43.890
Paul Casey: From one leader to another one right or anotheryeah.

00:30:44.730 --> 00:30:45.660
Jet's iPhone: I, I think.

00:30:46.920 --> 00:30:49.320
Jet's iPhone: What comes to mind is focusing on your impact.

00:30:52.320 --> 00:30:53.880
Jet's iPhone: You know humility.

00:30:55.770 --> 00:31:02.550
Jet's iPhone: I think oftentimes humility is equated with meeknessand when I when I think of focusing on my impact from a.

00:31:04.110 --> 00:31:07.920
Jet's iPhone: standpoint of humility, it means, am I doingeverything that I like.

00:31:09.060 --> 00:31:18.870
Jet's iPhone: If you draw a circle on a piece of paper everythinginside that circle as me what I can do what what I can achieve andmy filling that circle completely.

00:31:19.050 --> 00:31:23.160
Jet's iPhone: that's still that's humility, I think, as.

00:31:23.700 --> 00:31:25.200
Jet's iPhone: I truly understand it.

00:31:25.620 --> 00:31:27.540
Jet's iPhone: oftentimes we think of meekness.

00:31:29.790 --> 00:31:44.490
Jet's iPhone: And connection to humility and so there's like areyou focusing on your impact, are you are you focusing on what youcan do and what you can achieve are you challenging yourself tomake that circle bigger but still fill it completely.

00:31:45.600 --> 00:31:57.960
Jet's iPhone: When we start to focus on on things outside of thatcircle, you know that that then becomes I think arrogant and alsostarts to stretch us in ways that we're not ready.

00:31:59.790 --> 00:32:11.490
Jet's iPhone: And may not be able to handle so so focusing on yoursphere of impact your circle of impact what you can do and how youcan achieve it and do it well, I think, is really important.

00:32:12.570 --> 00:32:17.040
Jet's iPhone: and defining again those boundaries of what is insideand what is outside of that circle.

00:32:19.980 --> 00:32:21.840
Paul Casey: So good so good, I feel.

00:32:22.050 --> 00:32:24.390
Jet's iPhone: that's probably that's where I would start.

00:32:25.050 --> 00:32:40.680
Paul Casey: fill the circle and anything outside of that circleoften becomes a worry to it could be arrogance like you said, butit can also be worried because it's out of my control or yeah it'snot in its not in my sphere of influence so yeah.

00:32:40.770 --> 00:32:42.120
Paul Casey: I think that go ahead.

00:32:42.540 --> 00:32:45.180
Jet's iPhone: 111 thing that that comes from is.

00:32:46.230 --> 00:33:06.420
Jet's iPhone: My experience with habitat so far, you know we wefocus on people who are we focused on helping families andindividuals in the Community that fall between 30% and 60% area ofmedia income medium area median income sorry I don't know why thatwas difficult for me to say, but we often.

00:33:07.920 --> 00:33:11.190
Jet's iPhone: Get lumped into the organizations that are working onhousing.

00:33:12.930 --> 00:33:23.910
Jet's iPhone: Beyond that spectrum so particularly housing forhomeless individuals experiencing immediately immediate need forhousing and urgency.

00:33:24.960 --> 00:33:30.360
Jet's iPhone: And people coming out of transitional housing orstarted people needing transitional housing coming out of.

00:33:31.320 --> 00:33:52.290
Jet's iPhone: The prisons or recovery programs things like thatnature everybody needs a place to live, everyone needs a place tocall home habitat is best suited for people between 30 and 60 andup sometimes up to 80% higher median income, and we should besupportive of organizations that do others.

00:33:53.310 --> 00:33:56.670
Jet's iPhone: But it is not our responsibility to fix thoseproblems.

00:33:56.790 --> 00:33:57.090

00:33:58.710 --> 00:33:59.160
Jet's iPhone: and

00:33:59.220 --> 00:34:03.330
Jet's iPhone: And I think so that's where it's being humble andwhat you know you can do.

00:34:03.540 --> 00:34:04.110
Jet's iPhone: But doing it.

00:34:04.920 --> 00:34:16.470
Paul Casey: yeah staying on mission for sure well Jeff How can ourlisteners best connect with you and your local the local affiliatehere of habitat.

00:34:16.920 --> 00:34:18.360
Jet's iPhone: know my DEMO handle.

00:34:21.960 --> 00:34:24.510
Paul Casey: So what he's saying is he needs donations.

00:34:25.440 --> 00:34:26.190
Jet's iPhone: Just kidding.

00:34:27.510 --> 00:34:39.000
Jet's iPhone: Obviously we're online habitat builds calm is thewebsite for our local affiliate here and our social media onFacebook, is the same handle.

00:34:40.380 --> 00:34:49.500
Jet's iPhone: But yeah feel free to stop by we have a we have agreat store for DIY projects, then you can learn more about themission there.

00:34:49.800 --> 00:35:07.980
Jet's iPhone: What we're doing feel free to fill out a volunteerapplication and come out to the site where we're working in Pascoeright now, and hopefully in other parts of the Community and thegreater counties, as we try to seek to impact people beyond justthe tri cities.

00:35:09.390 --> 00:35:14.580
Paul Casey: Well, thanks again Jeff for all you do to make the tricities, a great place and keep leading well.

00:35:15.750 --> 00:35:16.470
Jet's iPhone: Thank you for.

00:35:17.250 --> 00:35:27.240
Paul Casey: Let me wrap up our podcast today with a leadershipresource to recommend and i've just redesigned my website now Ihaven't obviously I hire better people.

00:35:27.810 --> 00:35:36.090
Paul Casey: To do that i'll put in a plug for spotted fox digitalhere in the tri city, so if you haven't been over to my websitePaul

00:35:36.510 --> 00:35:53.400
Paul Casey: I encourage you to go over there there's some freeresources there there's some ones that my books are on that siteand some other tools, you can see, the other services, I offerwould love for you to just check it out and give your give yourcomments on Paul

00:35:55.620 --> 00:36:05.430
Paul Casey: Again this is Paul Casey and I want to thank my guestjet Richardson from habitat for humanity tri county partners forbeing here today on the tri cities influencer podcast.

00:36:05.820 --> 00:36:15.330
Paul Casey: We want to thank our sponsor and invite you to supportthem, we appreciate you making this possible, so that we cancollaborate to help inspire leaders in our Community.

00:36:15.870 --> 00:36:20.790
Paul Casey: Finally, one more leadership tidbit for the road tohelp you make a difference in your circle of influence.

00:36:21.120 --> 00:36:37.530
Paul Casey: it's from Tony Robbins he said, the higher your energylevel, the more efficient your body, the more efficient in yourbody, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent toproduce outstanding results so until next time kg F keep growingforward.

Tri-Cities Influencer Podcast with Paul Casey: Tri-Cities Influencer: Jet Richardson (2024)
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