San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)

4 BAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE. SATURDAY, JANUARY 1. 1910. Column DIVIDEND DIVIDEND NOTICES ASSOCIATED SAVINGS BANKS OF FAN FRANCISCO. OFFICE OF THE AND LOAN SOCIETY, Market, McAllister and Jones San December DIVIDEND NOTICE meeting of the of of this held this dividend has been declared the rate three and three per cent annum on all for months endIna December from tREes and payable on 1910.

Dividends not will added accounts and become a pert will carp dividend, from Jenner 1910. made or January 10, 1910, win draw interest from Januner 1010. M. TOBIN. Secretary.

THE GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN CIETY (The German Bank, 526 California Mission Branch, 2512 Mission Richmond District Branch. 482 Clement between 5th and 6th For the half. ending December 31, 1900, dividend been declared at the rate of four (4) per cent per senum 60 all deposits, of parable on and after Monday, 1910. Dividends not called for are dividends added trout to the deposit account and earn January 1, 1010. GEORGE TOURNY, Secretary.

MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK, Corner Market And Mason -For the bait year ending December 31, 1909. dividend been clared on all savings deposits, free of a taxes, at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum, parable on and after January 8, 1910. Dirldepds not drawn earn interest from January Deposits made on or before January 10th earn interest from January U. CALKINS, Cashier. MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK OF SAN CISCO, 700 Market opposite -For the ending December 31.

1909. vidend has been declared at the rate four per cent per annum on all deposite. tree parable on and after Monday. January 8. 1910.

Dividende not called for are added to and bear the same rate of interest as the principal from January 1, 1910, deposited on or before January 10th will draw interest from January 1, 1910. GEORGE A. STORY. Cashier. THE MISSION SAVINGS BANK.

2631 Mission st. -For the half year ending December 31, 1900, dividends upon all deposits the rate of four (4) per cent per annum, free of taxes, will be payable on and after Monday, January 3. 1910. Dividends not drawn are added to the principal and earn interest at the sAme rate from January 1, 1910. JAMES ROLPH President, DeWITT O.

TREAT. Cashier. THE SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY. 101 Montgomery corner Sutter the half year ending December 81, 1909, di vihas been declared at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum on all deposits, free payable on and after Monday, Jan1910. Dividends not drawn become part of deposit accounts and earn dividends from January 1st.

Money deposited on of before January 10th will earn interest from January WM. A. BOSTON, Cashier. COLUMBUS SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY, cor. Montgomery and Washington For the balf year ending Dec.

81, 1909, dividend of 4 per cent has been declared on ail deposits, free of taxes; dividend payable on and after Jan. 1910; money deposited on or before January 10th will draw Interest from Jan. 1, 1910. W. H.


108 Sutter st. For the half year ending December 31, 1909, dividend has been declared at the rate of four (4) per cent per Annum on ail deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Monday, January 8. 1910. Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same rate of Interest as the principal from January 1, 1910. CHAS.

CARPY. President. HUMBOLDT SAVINGS BANK, 783 Market nr. Fourth -For the half year ending December 31, 1900. dividend bas been declared the rate of four (4) per cent per annum on all savings deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Monday, January 3, 1910.

Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same rate of Interest as the principal from January 1. 1910. H. C. KLEVESAHI, Cashier.

MAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, N. W. cor, California and Montgomery the halt year ending December 1909. dividends been declared at the rates per annum of tour and one- eighth per cent on term deposits and four (4) per cent on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Monday, January 1910. dividend not drawn will be added to the deposit account, becomes a part thereof.

And earns dividend from January 1st. Money deposited on or before the 10th day of January will receive dividend from January let. R. 'M. WELCH.

Casbter. THE SCANDINAVIAN SAVINGS BANK, Chronicle building. for the half year endlag December 31, 1909, dividend has been declared at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum on all deposita, free of taxes, payable, on and after Monday, Jan. 3, 1910. Diridends not called for added to the deposit count and earn dividends from January 1, 1910.

L. I. COWGILL, President. SECURITY SAVINGS BANK (member of elated Savings Banks of San Francisco), 316 Montgomery st. For the bait year ending December 31, 1900, dividends upon all deposits at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum.

free of taxes, will he payable on and after January 3. 1910. FRED W. RAY. Sec'y.

LEGAL AND OFFICIAL. NOTICE TO MARINERS. office of the Board of State Harbor Commiealoners, Union Depot and Ferry-bouse, San Francisco, December 1909. -Attention of mariners is bereby directed to rule of RULES. REGULATIONS AND adopted the Board of State Harbor Commissioners at meeting of December 2.

1909, which pertains to the establishing of forbidden anchorage ares in bay of San Francisco, and same is described as follows: RULE must not be anchored or moored in an area bounded on the seaward side by a straight line from Point Bonita to point the shore of South bay, statute mile to seaward of the large cable sign at Baker's bebeb, on the Inside by straight line running from point in Bonita cove. statute mile from the Port Barry wharf (which la the only Whart in Bonita cove) to point on the shore In South bay, statute mile inside, or north by northeast of the large cable sign at Baker's beach; DOP must they be ancbored to permit them te swing into this forbidden area. W. V. STAFFORD, W.

E. DENNISON, P. 8. TELLER, Board of State Harbor Comissionere. THORPE.

Secretary. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Ofice of the Board of State Harbor Commisdoners. Union Depot and Ferry House, San Francisco, December 18. 1900.

Attention of mariners is bereby directed to rale of "Harbor Rules. Regulations and Rates," adopted by the Board of State Harbor Commissioners at the meeting of December 16, 1909. which pertains to the establishing of forbidden anchorage area in the bay of San Francisco, the same described follows: Role -Vessels must not be anchored or moored area extending from the water front of the city and county of San Francisco to the mouth of Oakland creek; bounded 00 the southerly side by a line extending from the intersection of the northerly line of creek channel with the water front of the city and county of San Francisco, to the westernmost point of the wharf at the end of the Alameda mole; on the northerly side by line parallel with the said southerly line and 500 yards distant therefrom; nor must vessels be so anchored to permit them to swing into this forbidden trea. V. STAFPORD, W.

E. DENNISON, P. 8. TELLER. Board of State Harbor Commissioners.

W. B. THORPE, Secretary. BOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. First Refunding Mortgage Gold Bonds.

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to provisiona of section 10, article fourth, of the mortgage and deed of trust executed by this company to the Equitable Trust Company of New York, as trustee, dated January 3. 1905, to secure its fret refunding mortgage gold bonds, this company has set apart out of the net income derived by it from the lines of railroad subject to the lien of said mortgage and deed of trust the sum of $12,000, in the year 1900, in trust, to he used to redeem said bonds, and that bonds will be redeemed therewith. Bids are hereby invited for the surrender of such bonds at prices to be named by the bidders to the sinount of $12,809 40 to the sinking fund. Such bids should be presented fo this company at Its office, 120 Broadway, in the city and State of New York, on or before the 3let day of January, 1010. at 12 o'clock poon, and should be indorsed for surrender of Southern Pacife Railroad Company's First Refunding Mortgage Gold Bonds." Dated December 27, 1909 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY.

By G. L. KING, Secretary. TRUSTEE'S SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a stock of Gre certes.

together with the datures appertaining thereto, formerly the property of M. Ramsey, and located at 1802 Addison street, Berkeley, Cal. An inventory of the property may be seen at the rooms of the Board of Trade, San Fraoclaco. 106 Pine San Francisco, and also on the store premises, where the stock may be tospected. Sealed bids are solicited to be adand delivered to H.

L. Smith, secretary of the Board of Trade of San Francisco, 106 Pine street, San Francisco, en or before Tues tined or 4, corrent funde for 10 per cent of January at 2 o'clock P. M. A cer the amount offered must secompany each bid, turnable only in case of rejection. Right served to reject any and all bids.

Terma, cash. Full amount of purchase price required upon wward 308. of property. H. L.

SMITH. Trustee. KIRK, Attorney for Trustee. CHRONICLE Branch Omfee, Oakland. Fifteenth street.

and subscriptions CALIFORNIA LAND IS ONCE MORE OPENED Large Area Supposed to Contain Oil Restored to the Public Domain. WASHINGTON, December Ballinger of the Interior Department today restored to the public domain 378,456 acres of land in California. This action was taken as a result of Information furnished the Interior Department by the geological survey, the land having previously been withdrawn probably valuable 011 lands. The area of tande still withdrawn, thought to contall oll, aggregates 3,242,606 acres. In aid of proposed legislation affectIng -power sites on the public domain, the Secretary of the Interior has withdrawn from all forms of dieposition the following lands: Along the Arkansas river In Colorado.

27,294 acres: Along the BIll Williams rives and tributaries In Arizona, 62,720 acres; along the Mellala river in Oregon, $179 and Along the McKenzie river In Oregon, 598 acres. FILIBUSTERING WITH WALKER. "Fighting the Streets of Granada" the title of Clinton Rollins' article In tomorrow's serles, "Filibustering With Walker." REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following transfers of real estate were recorded yesterday: Barbara Meyer to Joseph F. Mayer on 8 tine of Page street.

110 feet of Octavia street, 55xS 120, gift. Herbert H. Cooper and wife to John Gillet et of lot on line of Prosper street. 241:61 of Seventeenth street, 25xE 80, $10. Rivers Brothers to Gustof E.

Lindquist, lot 42, block 10, Lakerlew, $10. Rivers Brothers to Dennis A. O'Connell, lot 58, block 9, Lakerlew $10. Edwin H. Strei 'to Louisa Marie Strel, lot on line of Fillmore street, 137:6 8 of Haight street, 25, gift.

Violet L. Strel to same, same, gift. Treadwell Co. to William J. McKellop, lot on NE corner of Grove and Cole streets, 125, 106:3, 12:6, 100, 8 137:6, 206:3, $10.

Gluseppi Mina and, wife to Maria rodesta, 1-8 of lot on line of Valley street, 125 feet of Church street, 25xN 114. $800. Shainwald, Buckbee Co. to Spencer C. bee, lot 24, block 22, City Land Association, $10.

Charles W. Tripp to Lizzte A. Tripp, lot on line of Twentieth avenue, 175 8 of Clement street, 8. 25x 120, gift. Richard R.

Turkington and wife to Sarah E. Check, lot on line of Fortieth avenue, 275 fees of street, 8 25x 120, $10. William 8. Pardy and wife to Ulysses Bartlett, lot on line of Lake street. 32:6 of Third avenne, to beginning of lot conveyed.

35 to Presidio Terrace. to Third avenue, 8 to point of Lake street, 82:6, grant. John Sullivan to Rachael Sullivan, lot on the SW corner of Day and Sanchez streets, 8 105, gift. Arthur Bachman- to Edward H. Love, lot on the SW line of Palmer street, 175 feet of Harper, SE 25x8W 100, $10, Carl A.

Henry to Aaron and Elizabeth Mayers, lot on the line of Belvedere street, 58:9 8 of Waller, 25x 100, $10. Jobs M. Peters and wife to Genevieve V. Curtis, lot on the tine of Seventh avenue, 25 feet of Lake street, 8 25xE 100, $10. Jean M.

and Alice Dupas to Theodere M. Levy, lot on the NW line of Folsom street, 250 feet NE of Fourth, NE 25x 155, $10. Isaac H. Goldmeyer and wife to George E. Billing.

lot on the SW line of Steuart street, 80 feet NW of Mission, NW 20xSW 45:10, $10. George E. Billing and wife to Ashley B. Cohn. same, $10.

Sol Getz Sons to William P. McAlpine, lot on the SE corner of street and Eleventh avenue, 8 1001 32:6, $10. Jeremiah Twomey and wife to Thomas Fay and wife, lot on the line of Ellis street, 137:6 of Octavia, 25x8 120, $10. Jeremiah Twomey and wife to Della Fay et lot on the itne of Highland avenue. 100 feet of Corbett road, NE 50, 8 100, 50 100.

$10. James E. Dugan and wife to Kate Philbrook, one-fourth Interest in lot 0g the 8 line of Turk street, 125 feet of Masonic avenue, 25x8 137:8. Sr0. Joseph Herrscher and wife to Annexation Investment Company, lot on the 8w corner of Merchant and Front streets.

137.6, 8 45:10, 30. 19 107:6, 20:6, $10. Brice B. McLellan to David L. Guthrie, one half interest in lot on the W' line of Sixth ave nue, 375 feet 8 of California street, 120, 8 46.

SE 120:24 53, $10. James B. Wiseman to Mary Teresa, Wiseman. lot on 8 line of Union street, feet of Kearny, 20x8 57:6, gift. Annie E.

Collins to Belinda D. Newsom, lot on line of Nevada avenue, 125 of Jefferson, 25x 70, gift. Anna D. Roller to Charles Edward Paczach, lot 14, block 11, Joost addition to Glen Park, being subdivision of blocks 9, 10 and 11. Miesion and Thirtieth Streets Homestead, $10.

Real Estate and Development Company to Albert Jobnson, lot on line of Texas street, 150 feet of 'Twentieth, 25x 100, grant. Same to Andrew and Jane Johnson. lot line of Texas street, 50:2 8 of Eighteenth, 00 100, grant. Ana Rosa Pearce et al. to Mercedes Levis Call, lot on line of Washington street, 68:9 of Jones.

68:918 137:6, $10. Margarette Black to Arthur K. Sheats. lot on line of Eleventh avenue, 200 feet of street. 25xE 120, $10.

Henry J. Sosso to Ernest E. F. Sosso, ODe. half of lot on line of Montgomery street, 58 feet of Vallejo, 22, 55.

20, 25, 8 2, 30. $10. Emma Siminof to Samuel Dusehberg lot on line of Leavenworth street. 60 feet 8 of Washington. 8 137:6, $10.

Samuel Dusenberg 10 Julius Soboslay, NE corner of Washington and Devisadero streets, 110, and one other plece, $10. Catherine McDonogb to P. J. Kelleber, lot on line of Forty sixth avenue, 175 feet of street, 25x 120. $10.

Sarah L. Moore to Sol Gets Sons, lot On NE corner of Twentieth avenue and street. 120x 100, $10. Angelo Barletta to Carmela Barletta. oDe quarter of lot on line of Stockton street.

70 feet of Filbert. 57:6. $10. Same to. one -quarter of lot on line of Dupont street, 57:6 of Green, 201 58:9, BUILDING 'CONTRACTS.

The following boliding contracts were corded yesterday: The Prager Company with the Raiston Iron Works, structural, wrought and cast iron work for portion of three story and basem*nt class A building, division on the SE corner of McAllister and Jones streets, 175, 162:6, 8 8W 159:9, for $22.238. Same with same. same work for division on same, for $22.238. 9 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were innued yesterday: Edward A Carter, 24.

1606 0'Farrell street, aDd Margaret Sullivan. 20, 1547 Forty eighth avenue Emil Schkade. 29. 804 Margaret Franziska Golde, 27, both of San Francisco. William Ronald, age 21, Goldbeld.

and Mary 0'Brien. 21, 910 Taylor street. Lillian A. 18, Mission street. William H.

Spree, 21. 144 Dolores a street. and Arthur Anderson, 27, and Lydia J. Homy, 27, both of 243 Stuart street. Ned R.

Gould, 29, Gonzales, and Agnes J. 28. Calistoga Alston (. Allen, 24, 709 Shrader street, and Clara 19, 1219 Noe street. John Fenton.

89, 238 Eureka street. and goes Heaneberry, 25, 3668 Seventeenth street Camille Roualdes, 25, 1653 Eleventh avenue. and Eulalle Marre, 19. 2159 Geary street. Conrad Langejoro, 21.

Silvana. Wash and Margaret A. O'Connor, 16, 78 Colton street. Henry Roof, 38. 415 O' Farrell street, and Helen E.

Kurtz, 34. 404 Oak street, Martin Wihtol. 41 and Josephine Saasbury, 54. both of Westport. 18.

both of 370 Clipper street. Luther Birdsell. 21, and Annie Major, Albert Bose, 25, 221 Ripley street, and Johnson. 16. 885 Esmeralda avenue.

Iver Kesti, 23, Rocklin, and Marie 8. Hirvela. 20. Berkeley Yoshiruku Mibara, 28, and Shiza Imoto, 22, both of Imlay, Nev. Selma tau Kameko, 85, and Comi Korsuma, 23, both of Oakland.

Romeo, 8. Pelletier, 21, Fruffvale, and Bertha Dettmere, 16, 1001 Church street. Giuseppe Begliantoni, 25, 248 Senecca avenue, and Jennie Rossi, 19. 28 Scott place. Charles Carison, 34, and Maria Schula, 19, both of 278 Lexington avepue.

Elmer M. Fairchild, 42, and Olive V. Leonard, 19, both of Oakland. Enerol4 M. Mikkelsen, 38, 3706 Sixteenth Johanna Blons Unen Lathonen.

Kentijor, both 247 Stenert street. Marion Barrie Libbie Harlbut. 96, Mars Parker, 30. 2722 Brine Harry Berlin street, 21, both of Chico: Bicknell, 30, and C. Colline, BIRTHS.

FINK--December 30, the wife of a son. this December the wife of Sninnel Karaky, of son. Berkeler, comber 80, by Ret. H. H.

Wikon, Porter C. Starrett of Forest Grove, to Lora Parker of Berkeley. DEATHS. Mary (Kane, Dennis, Betche, Jane. Thomas Clark, Mre, Jane Herel Elisa William.

Dohenes. Julia Fennema, Walter Nanette. a Githride. Patrick 65. Green, Alfred Harriet Henion, Dental John Hina.

John A. -50. Salter, FrederickHirsch. Edwerd. Saunders, John Holland, Wm.

J. Johnston, John- Steltmen, Frank P. AUTAGNE- Ocean View. December 20. Ann.

dearly beloved wife of George Autagne, devoted mother of George, August. Mery, Loretta, Thomas and Charles and idolized sister of Matt. Thomas, Harry, George and Mende Grady, a native San Francisco. aged 31 years and months. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully ery 1, 12:80 o'clock, from the parlors of Invited to attend the funeral Janu.

of Sixteenth and Guerrero streets: thence to St. Michael's Church, Ocean View, for Green, Ryan and Donohoe, northeast corner commencing at 1:30 o'clock. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. BETCHE-In this elty, December Katie Betche, beloved sister of Adolf and Henry Bauer and the late August Betche, native of Baden, Germany, aged 62 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Saturday, 1, at 11 o'clock.

from the parlors H. F. Suhr 2019 Mission street, between Twenty-0fth and -sixth streets. Interment, Mount Olivet by 11:30 o'clock train from Twenty-Afth and Valencia streets. BURNS--In this city, December 81, at the City and County Hospital, Frank Burns, native of Ireland.

aged 50 sears. the City and County Rospital, Thomas CALLAGHAN-In city, December 20. Callaghan, native of Boston, aged 54 years. CLARK--In Sellwood (Portland), December 29. Mes.

Jane Clark, relict of the late John Clark of Livermore, Cal. CLEVELAND-In this eity, December 20. Eliza Jane Cleveland, beloved mother of Fred Frank Forrest R. and Judd C. Cleveland.

native of New Hampshire, aged 79 years, months sad 17 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully levited to attend the funeral Saturday, January 1, at 1:30 o'clock. from the parlors of H. F. Subr 2919 Mission street.

between Twenty-Afth and Twenty-sixth streets. Interment, Mount Olivet Cemetery, by carriage. CRAIG- this efty, December 29, William Craig. beloved husband of Ruth M. Craig.

native of Cababa. Ala. (Selma. and Lynchburg. papers please cops.) Services Saturday, January 1, at 10 o'clock, at the late residence, 2561 Washington street.

Interment. private. DE LAGUNA--In Oakland, December 31, WILliam de Laguna, beloved husband Anna de Laguna, and father of Anita, Gussie, Bertha and Marquita de Laguna, native of San Francisco, aged 52 years. rest. in this city, December 31, Julia 8.

Doheney, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. Frank B. Day, Mrs. will G. Miller of Los Angeles, Mrs.

Frank W. Becker, WIlliam James Richard F. and the late Edward J. Dobeney, nattve of Ireland, 74 years, 11 months and 26 days. (Los Angeles, Vallejo Phoenix, A.

papers please copy.) Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at the parlors of D. I. Kenny 1719 Eddy street. near Scott.

FAHRBACH- Oakland, December 31, Nanette Fahrbach, beloved mother of Emil August (. and Laura Fabrbach, MN. H. W. Caldwell, Mra.

G. Holtz and Sister Josephine Alogetus of the Notre Dame of Santa native of Nuremberg. Bavaria, Germany. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services Monday, January 3, at 10:30 o'clock. at her late home.

3753 Piedmont avenue, Oakland. In cineration, private, Oakland Crematory. Please oinit flowers. FARRAR -Near Gilroy, December 31, Walter W. Farrar, beloved busband of Gertrude Cole man Farrar, father of Alberta Farrar, son of Mr.

and Mrs. N. Farrar, and brother of Mrs. A. Pimiott, aged 31 years.

The funeral will take place Sunday, Jan vary 2, 2 o'clock, from Masonic Hall, Gilroy. -December 30. Carl F. S. Fennema.

beloved husband of Catrine M. Fennema, and loving father of Carl F. Fenneina, native of Enden, Germany, aged 47 years, 0 months and 18 days. (Santa Cruz papers please copy.) Frienda and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services Satur day. January 1, at 10:30 o'clock, at the new funeral chapel of Charles H.

J. Truman, 1910 Mission street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. Interment, Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by 11:30 o'clock train from TwentyAfth and Valencia streets. Please omit flowers. GILBRIDE-In this city.

December 30, Patrick Gilbride, beloved husband of Margaret G11- bride, and father of Bernard Michael Roderick John C. and Annie Glibride. Mrs. James Lynch, Mrs. Edmond Hogan and Mrs.

Dennis Sugrue, a native of County Kilkenny, Ireland. aged 88 years. The funeral will take place Saturday. Jannary 1, at 12:45 o'clock. from his late dence.

704 Fourteenth street; thence to Minsion Dolores Church for services, commencing at 1 o'clock. Interment, Holy ('ross Cemetery. GREEN--In Milibrae, December. 30, Alfred Green, and father of F. H.

Green, Francis Green. beloved hushand of Mary Green. E. A. Green, Green Jr.

and Mrs. G. H. Tilton. native of Vermont, aged 78 years.

months and 25 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Saturday, January 1, at 12:30 o'clock. from him late residence Milibrae. Interment, private. HENION- Berkeley, December 30.

Daniel Henion, husband of the late Mary Henion. and father of Mrs. Walter Knicht of Woodside, San Mateo county. Mrs. Mae Simms of Berkeley, C.

Henion and H. 8. of Oakland and A. Henion of Berkeley, native of New York, aged 85 years, months and 15 days. HINZ In this eity.

December 29, John he loved husband of Katberine Hinz, native of Germany, aged 50 years, HIRSCH -In Salem, December 29. Edward Hirsch. brother of the late Solomon Hirsch of Portland, Or. HOLLAND--In this city, December 80. at the residence of Mrs.

Leary, William J. Holland, beloved father of the late Timothy. Margaret, Mary and William Holland. native of Ireland, aged 84 years. (Sacramento papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Monday, Janu ary 3, 8:30 o'clock.

from the parlors of McA voy 0' Hare, 2224 Market street, near Fifteenth: thence to the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul. commencing at o'clock. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, by electric funeral car from Twenty eigbth and Valencia streets. JOHNSTON -In this city. December 30.

John Johnston, dearly beloved brotber of Patrick J. and James A. Johnston, native of Brooklyn, N. Y. aged 40 years.

The funeral will take place Saturday, Jane 1, at 1:80 o'clock. from the parlors of Mr Brearty McCormick. 915 Valencia street. near Twentieth: thence to St. Paul's Chureb.

where services will be held at 2 o'clock. 10- terment. Holy Cross Cemetery. KANE -In Oakland, December 81, Dennis. he loved husband of Ellen Kane, loving brother of Mre.

Lissie O'Connell of Oakland and John and Julia Kane of Washington, D. and uncle of John and William Kane and Mrs. 8. J. Donobue, LLOYD -In this city, December 31.

Jane, be loved wife of the late Joha Lloyd. and mother of Mrs. J. Murphy and the late Mary Ramsell, Dative of Ireland, aged 82 years. McCARTHY In this city.

December 30, Mar aret, rellet of the late Florence McCarthy. and tot ber of Mrs. C. Descalno, native of Bantry, County Cork, Ireland, aged 68 years. The funeral will take place Saturday, Jann ary 1, at 9:30 o'clock.

from ber late real dence. 1343 Seventh avenue. Sunset: thence to Nt. Anne's Church for services, commencing at 10 o'clock Interment, Holy Crues Cemetery Me KENZIE In this city, December 31, Peter M. McKenzie, native of Aberdeensbire, Scotland.

aged 67 years. MATTSON In Phis city, December 30. Hasel Gladys, dearly beloved daughter of Martin and Jeany Mattron, 80d loving sister of- Harry, Oscar, Jenny, Roy. Ernest, Alfred and Arthur Mattson, Dative of Han Francisco, aged 7 years and 16 MORIORTY -In this city, December 31, Bert ram Charles. dearly beloved son of Joseph and Emily Moriorty, and brother of Joseph and Margaret Moriorty, native of San Francisco.

FeDeral Saturday, January 1, at 2 o'clock from the residence of his pereste, 4136 Twenty fourth street. Interment, Holy ('roas Cemetery. MORSE In this city. December 31, Mrs. Mar gret Morse, loving mother of Mrs.

Clara Plamondon, grandmother of Maude Farmer and Richard. Fannie, Sevio and Marjory Plamondon. and great grandmother of James A. Farmer, native of Canada, aged yeare. MOBRAX-10 Larkspur, December 20, Adrian, dearly beloved of Robert T.

and Murres devoted brother Rimer: and Linien Murray, brother of native of Francisco, aged months and Friends and respectfully levited to attend Baterdes, at 10 from his late residence Larkspur: thence St. Anselmo's requiem mass will he for the repose of his coni at 11 o'clock. Mount Cemetery. Ben Rafael. this December 30.

Patrick Joseph dearly beloved busband of Henora 0' loving father of Mrs. Paul Weinbols Joseph. Loretta ani 0' De, and beloved brother of John Das and the Dennis and Thomas and Mary a of San Frencisco, 9 months and 10 this city, December, 81, Russel Phillips, beloved bashand of Frances father of Frank and George D. B. Hempton, Cheries Mire.

J. Phillips Stanley and Phillips, a native of York. sears, months and 14 Menominee, please cops Notice of funeral Remains the new 'funeral chapel of Charles H. Truman, 1919 Mission street. between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets.

PIERCE- -In this elty December 30, Laura Pierce, beloted daughter of the late Mr. and Mire. Zibe Hoyt, and loving mother of the late Mrs. Ella Miller, a native of Vermont, aged 80 Friends 80d acquaintances respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Monday, 10 o'clock, from the parlors of Valente, Mariel, Marais 3448 Mission street. near Thirtieth.

Interment, Mount Olivet Cemetery, by 11:40 o'clock train from Twenty-6fth and Valencia streets. REOLI-In thie city. December 31. Margeretha Regil, beloved mite of John Regli, and loving mother of John native of Canton Url. Switzerland.

aged 64 sears, months and 16 days. ROACH--In this cite. December 30, Julta, he. loved wife of the Patrick Roach, mother of Edward and Richard Rosch, Mrs. Frank Reardon, Mrs.

Harry Rowlett and Mrs. Annie Mc Aphee. and stater of Kate and Michael Foley and the late Mary Donovan. native of Treland, aged 65 years. RODRIGUEZ-In this city, December 28, Harriet beloved wife of M.

J. Rodrigues, native of Providence, R. aged 48 years, months and 6 dare. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Saturday, Janu. at 10:80 from the parlore Henry J.

Gallagher Company. 1314 Web. ster street, between Ellie and O' streets. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, by electric funeral car from Thirteenth and West Mission streets. ROHAN-In this city.

December 30, John dearly beloved husband of Mary C. Rohan. and devoted father of Elizabeth and John B. Rohan native of Ireland. SALTER -In San Mateo, December 80, Frederick Salter, beloved husband of Jane Salter.

and loving father of Thomas Baiter, a native of Herne Bay, Kent, England, aged 75 years, 11 months and 3 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Sunday, Januarg 2. at 3 o'clock, from his late residence, 512 Highland avenue; thence by electric ear to Cypress Lawn Cemetery for interment. SAUNDERS-At rest, in this city. December R1, John, beloved husband of the late Amelia Saunders, and beloved father of Henry, Sol.

David, Belle and Rose Saunders, a native of Posen, Germany, aged 81 years. (Grass Valley papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services Sunday, January 2, at -10 o'clock. at Golden Gate Commandery Hall. 2137 Sutter street, under the suspices of Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 44, F.

and A. M. Interment, Hills of Eternity Cemetery, by electric car from Twenty-eighth and Valencia streets. SOELTER- this elty. December 31, August.

beloved husband of Laura Soelter, sOn of Ludwig and the late Margaret Soelter, and brother of John Soelter, a native of San Francisco, aged 39 years, 1 month and 8 days. STELTMAN -December 31, the United States Marine Hospital, Prank Paul Steltman, native of Detroit, aged 33 years. (Chicago and Detroit papers please copy.) Interment at the United States Marine Cemetery, Saturday, January 1, at 11 o'clock. Friends are invited to attend. CARD OF THANKA.

We desire to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and to the crew of Firebont No. 1 of S. F. F. for their kind sympathy and the many beautiful Goral offerings in the loss of our darling and heloved infant son.

CAPTAIN MATT C. JOHNSON AND FAMILY. INDEPENDENT OF THE TRUST will furnish for 675: Hearse, two hacks, balming shroud and -covered casket. JULIUS S. GODEAU MAIN OFFICE -2123 BUSH phone West 2090.

805 MONTGOMERY phone Kearny 8268. Branch-1305 Franklin Oakland; phone land 4045. Ambulances and backs for hire. "CHRONICLE" PATTERNS further convenience to our readers, all patterns ordered from the "Chronicle" will hereafter malled In Sam Francisco within 24 hours from the time the order ceived this office. This Insures ten daya' prompter delivery terns than has ever before been tempted by newspaper Francisco.

8080 MISSES PRINCESS DRESS "CHRONICLE" PATTERN NO. 3059. All Beams Allowed. This attractive model for a miases princess dress is exceedingly stylish both In cut and Anish. It is made of cashmere in a pretty shade of light brown, but other materials, such as poplin, broadcloth and the checked woolens, may be substituted.

The broad sailor collar in hair-line stripe is trimmed with braid a shade or two darker than the material. A soft brown silk tie adde touch of smartness. The open neck la completed by a removable chemisette of white pique. The pattern is in sizes, 13 to 17 years. FoR a miss of 15 years the dress will require yards of material 24 Inches wide, yards 27 inches wide, yarda 86 inches wide, yards 42 inches wide on 4 yards 54 inches wide, with yard of contrasting material 27 inches wide for collar and yards of braid to ORDER BLANK NEW PATTERN NO.

3069. PATTERN DEPT Inclosed please And 10c the price of this pattern. When ordering please Inclose illustration and use the following blanks. City and State Steamers Sonthern Mexico from Stenart-street For Paget Sound Ports and Eureka from Brondwes whert. LOS ANGELES DIEGO BARBARA Queen.

10. of Feb. Rose only, call at Santa Betbara. Tacoma, Feb. City of Feb.

10, EUR Topeka, Jan. 2, 10 A.M. And every nth Feb. 10 Spokane, A June 14, 28: July 12, 26: A 9, 10 P.M. July 12.

M. Right change this schedule. TICKET OFFICES Palace Hotel, 631 Market 8 Market st. and Docks. Tel.

Kearny 402. OAKLAND-1120 Broadway: Tel. Oakland 5680. C. D.

DUNANN, General Passenger Agent. PACIFIC OIFIC R. CO. LINE. TRANSPA Calling Honolatu.

YOKOkong, HAMA. Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghal and Hongete. Steamers connecting sail with steamers Manila, from company's piers, Nos, 42. 44, near foot of 20 at 1 P. followe: LINE KOREA (calling at Manila).

Jen. 8. SIBERIA (calling at Manila) 8. February ASTA MANCHURIA February 8 8. MONGOLIA (calling Merch February Passengers and freight accepted for Borotute, India.

Japan, China. Siberia. Cores. the Philippinet, East Indies and Africa. THROUGH LINE TO NEW YORKports Steamers of Mexico, 'Central America and Panama.

will sell at 12 M. from Pier 40, Dear foot of Scennd follows: 8. 8. SAN JOSE December 81. 8.

PENNSYLVANIA January 10, 1910 8. ACAPULCO 19. 1910 8. 8. CITY OF SYDNEY February January 28, 5.

1910 1910 SAN JUAN Passengers and freight. accepted for ports of Mexico, Central America and Ancon, East and West Const South America, New York. Eastern and Interior points in the United States, the ports on the Gulf of Mexico, West Indies. principal ports of Great Britate and Cont Dental Europe. No cargo received on board on of sailing.

Round-frip tickets at reduced rates. A. M. GARLAND. Freight Traffic Manager.

G. D. KERRELL. General Passenger Agent, 884 Flood Building. Phone Kearny 3820.

Travel by Sea Low Rates to Portland First Class Deck, Second Class $5 INCLUDING MEALS AND BERTH STEAMERS LEAVE Every Saturday 11 A.M. FROM Pier 40, Near Foot of Second Street. Ticket Omeess FLOOD BUILDING Telephone Kearny 3620. San Francisco and Portland S. A.

Co. North German Lloyd Large, Fast and Luxurious Twin-Screw Express and Passenger Steamships Equipped with Wireless and Submarine Signals. PLYMOUTH- EN Exprees Sailings Tuesdays, at 10 A. M. Kais.

Wm. 11. 4 Kronprins Jan. 25 Pr. Fried.

Jan. Wilb. d. Grosse, Feb. BREMEN DIRECT.

Twin-Screw Bailings Thursdays, at 10 A. M. Roon 6 G. Room Feb. 10 Zieten 27 Feb.

24 ENOAALGIERS Mediterranean Sailings Saturdays, at 11 Barbarossa 81 1Gr. Kurfueret Jan. K. Albert Algiers. Cruise.

Independent Checks Around good all the ever World the Tours world. Apply 0ELRICHS Gen. Agenta, 5 Broadway. New York. Robert Capelle, G.

A. P. 250 Powell Opp. St. Francis Hotel.

San Francisco. Telephone Kearny 4794. Home C3725. CRUISES DE LUXE WEST INDIES By New Serew "AVON" 11,500 Tons TWO CRUISES EASTER CRUISE (31 days each) (18 days) $150 UP 885 UP FROM NEW YORK FROM NEW YORK JAN. 15 and FEB.

19 MARCH 25 Also Yachting Tours by New Twin Screw through the West Indies BERMUDA NEW WEEKLY SERVICE By "OROTAVA" 6000 R.M.S.P. Tons FROM NEW YORK WEDNESDAY. FROM BERMUDA EVERY SATURDAY. Comfortable Voyage -High-Class CuisineOrchestra -Electric Fans 1o All Rooms. Complete Illustrated Booklets on Request.


STREET, Agents. American-Hawaiian Steamship Co. TEHUANTEPEC ROUTE NEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST PORTS AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, sailings from New York every six days, making direct connection with Pacific steamers sailing from Saline Cruz, Mexico, every mix days for San Francisco. PACIFIC COAST PORTS TO NEW York. A 18o to Mexicay and all principal European ports under through rate and through bills of lading Sailings from San Francisco every twelve days.

LOCAL SERVICE FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HAWAIIAN ISLAND PORTS, direct every twenty eight days and via Puget Sound every twelve days. Nor rates and further particulars apply 46 DEARBORN LAPHAM. General Agents, Bridge Street, New York. WILLIAMS, 4 General Agents Pacific Coast. 810 Sansome Street, San Francisco.

AUSTRO AMERICAN. LINE MEDITERRANEAN. ADRIATIO From New York, Wednesdays, 1 P. M. To Italy, Greece and Austria with scheduled calls at GIBRALTAR (East), AL GIERS (West) and AZORES (East).

TWIN SCREW 8. S. MARTHA WASHINGTON. Further infromation and 1910 sailings furnished by ALICE. a LAURA.

ARGENTINA, OCEANIA. PHELPS BROS. General Whitehall N. Y. City, or any local ageat.

ARGENTINE by the Large, Food Passenger Steamers of the All Brazilian LAMPORT HOLT LINE Sailing from New York sth and doth each menth, TO NO JANEIRO 98 DAYO TO STENOS For par. ulars, rates, apply BUSK DANIELS, Produce Exchange, New ITALIAN S. S. LINES Generale Italiana. Veloce.

titalie. To Naples and Genoa direct. D. Abrusal Dec. 304 Ancona Dec.

801 Europe Feb. Hatfeld, Solari 21 State N. TE. PATRIZZI 118 Montgomery IZAPPETTINI PERASSO. 1 Montgomery Xe: Honolulu A.M., Jan.

Alameda 1910. salta Special 11 round trip 4410 Bret class. TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND Mariposa sails 11 A. Feb. 2.

Spel. Tabiti round trip. $125. Wellington. $246.25 R.



Port Costa, Dixon, Sacramento, Roseville, ville, Elmira, Redding, Vacaville, De via, Woodland (Mary OreWilliams, Maxwell, Willows, Hamilton, Corning, Red 7.28p 7.000 Newark, Jose, Lon Gatos, Wrieht, Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Crus 9.58p 7.400 Santa Rom, Martines, Can Ramon. 6.08p 7.400 Pleasanton, Livermore, Altamont, Lathrop, 7.28p 7.408 Tracy, Los Renos, Kerman. Freeno, Hanford, Visalia, 4.28p 8.208 Port Costa, Martines, Byron, Tracy, Stockton, Merced, Fresno, Graben Junction (Hanford, Armona), Vimlia, Porterville, Raker field. Yosemite Valley via Merced. 9.008 Nites, Livermore, Stockton Valley Spring, Tone, Farramento.

4.28p 9.008 Sonora, Tyolumne and Angris, 4.28p 9.008 Atlantic Express -Sacramento, Tour. ker, Ogden, Halt lake City, fienver, Kansan City, Omaha, Chicago 8.28p 9.408 Richmond, Port Costa, Martines, Ray Point 6 489 10.208 Vallejo Mare Idand. Napa 11.288 10.20a Los Angeles Parsenger- Port Costa, Martines, Boron, "fraev. Stockton, Merced, Fresno, Hanford, Visalia, Rakersheld, Lon Angeles. 7.48p 10.408 Ban Francisen Overland Limited Denver, Kanene City.

St. Louis, Omaha, Chicago 7.28p 11.208 Shasta Limited -Portland, Tacoma, Seattle 9.18p 12.000 Goldbeld Pass. -Port Costa, Benicia, Sacramento, Truckee, Hazen, Mina, Tonopah, Goldfield, Lawn, Keeler. 7.488 12.000 Maryerille, Chico, Red Muff. 4.28p 1.20p Niles, Irvington, Ran Jose 2.48p San Leandro, Niles, 9.088 Newark, San 7.28p 1.40p Newark, San Jose, Lon Gatos, Wright, Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Crus 9.58p 2.40p San Leandro, Niles, San Jose.

9.28a 3.00p Benicia, Winters, Sacramento Woodland, Marywille, Oroville- Yolo, Arbuckle, Williams, Willows 10.488 3.00p Via Fauselito, West Napa, St. Helena, Calistoga. 10.37a 3.20p Port Costa (Stockton), Martinez, 12.08p Byron, Modesto, Merced, Fresno 10.38p 4.00p Vallejo, Napa, Calistoga, Santa Rom, Martinez, San Ramon, Dougherty, Livermore. 9.288 4.00p Niles (Centerville), Tracy, Stockton 10.28a Lodi 10.38p 4.40p San Leandro, Hayward, Niles, Pleasanton, Livermore, Tracy, Newman, Kerman, Fresno. 8.28a 5.00p Richmond, Pinole, Vallejo, Port 11.28a Costa, Benicia, Suisun, Sacramento -Roseville, Marysville, 1.08p 5.00p Runeell, San Jose, Los Gatos.

9.28a 5.48p 5.20p Ran Leandro, Niles, San 7.488 6.00p Owl Limited--Los Angeles. 8.088 6.40p Eastern Exprese Ogden, Pueblo, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago. Port Costa, Benicia, Sacramento, Reno, 8.28p 6.40p Hayward, Niles and San Jose. 6.48p 17.00p Vallejo, Port Costa, Martinez, Bay Point and Way Stations.

111.18p 7.40g Richmond, Port Costa, Byron, Tracy, Lathrop, Stockton. 12.48p 8.20p Oregon Express -Davis, (Sacramento), Willows, Redding (Klamath Falls), Ashland, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, 9.48a 9.00p China and Japan Fast Mail -Ogden, Cheyenne, Denver, Kanas City, Omaha, 2.48p 9.40p Saturdays -Hunters train, San Jose via Newark 17.48p 11.00p Niles, Pleasanton, Livermore, Lathrop, Modesto, Mereed, Fresno, Hanford 10.38p 11.40p Portland Express- Sacramento, Maryaville, Red Bluff, Weed, Ashland, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle. 12.28p From Pacific Street Wharf. 11.00p Sacramento River 111.30p Stmr. Apache, Fri.

Stmr, Navajo, Thurs, Sat. HARBOR FERRY- -From San Francine, Pacific Street Wharf- Week from 6.00 m. to 9,00 p.m. Funds ye- 8.15, 9.45, 11.15 12.45. 2.15.

3.45. 5.15. 6.45, 8.15 and. 9.45 p.m. LOCAL FERRY TRAINS -Via Alameda Pier.

Te Oakland and Alameda 16.45 a.m.. and then 10 and 45 minutes past the hour until 7.45 p.m.: then 8.30, 9.15, 10.00. 10.45, 11.30 p.m. and 12.15 Te Alameda and Fruitvale via Horseshoe same as above. a for Morning.

for Afternoon, Sunday excepted. Sunday only. OCEAN TRAVEL HAMBURG-AMERICAN Modern Safety Devices (Wireless, etc.) Pennsylvania, Jan. 8. 3PM Amerika, 12 4G.

Waldersee 15 Feb. 19 Lincoln 29 Waldersee, Feb.26 Grant Feb. Aug. Vic. Mb.5 a la Carte Restaurant.

direct. Plymouth. TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED. Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere.

160 POWELL STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE. SOUTH AMERICA 81 DAYS CRUISE $350 UP Visiting all the interesting countries to the Straits of Magellan. Superb SceneryMagnificent Cities Splendidly arranged cruise by the S.S. Bluecher (12,500 tons) Leaving New York.

Jan. 22, HAMBURG -AMERICAN 1910 LINE 180 Powell Street, Francisco. Phone Kearny 2046. CUNARDCRUISES Via AZORES, MADEIRA, GIBRALTAR, 1 and Egypt Ofer the unsurpassed in Luxurious and Comfortable Ocean Travel by the Great 20,000 Steamers "CARONIA," Jan. 8, Feb.

1 19 Jan. 22, Mar. 5 turbine the world SAXONIA," Feb. 5. Mar.

(Twin-Screw, 14,306 tons) Full Partiesiars and Reservations apply to THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP LAd. York, Boston, Chicago. Minnes Philadelphia Louie, San Francisco. Toronto, Montreal, or Local A gents TOYO KISEN KAISHA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO. TENYO MARU Tuesday, December 28, 1909 NIPPON Tuesday, January 18, 1910 CHIYO MARU Tuesday, February 15.

1010 Steatners from Company's piers, Nos Dear foot of Second street, P. for Yokobama and Hongkong, calling at Honolulu. Kobe (Biogo), Nagasaki and Shangbal and coa necting at Hongkong with steamers for Manila. ladia, ete. No cargo received on board no day of Round trip tickets at reduced rates.

For freight and passage apply ac office, 240 James Flood Building. W. H. AVERY. Assistant General Manager.

LOS ANGELES, $6.85 Second Class; $8.85 First Class. S. S. HANALEI, Jan. 2 INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP 00.

Pacife-st. Wharf, Pier No. Ticket Office No. 646A Market Phone Douglas 2712. connecting departments.

Steawer sails o'clock. Freight received until 3 P. M. VIA COAST LINE Leave (Third and Townsend Streets) Arrive 15.250 Street, Vintacion, South San Francisco, Valencia Street. 15.354 Loop -Valencia Street, Ocean Cemeteries, South 234 Street, 3rd and Townsend 16.450 6.208 South San Francisco, Ran Giray, (Hollister).

Sargent, Pajaro, Watsonville. Santa 7.509 7.008 South San Francisen, Palo Alto, Sin Jose, Way Stations 7.008 Mayfield, Los Alton, Los Gates 8.008 Shore Line Limited- -Pano Robles Hot Springs, Santa Rebars, Los Angeles. 8.058 The Jore, Pajero (Waton ville, Fanta Cram), Castroville, (Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grave), Belinan, Holedad, Pang Robles Hot Springs, Fan Luis Obirpo, Burt, (Lompoc', Santa Barbers, Ventura, Oxnard, Los 11.459 8.20e Mayfield, Lon Ine Gator, Wright, Glen wood Roulder Creek), Ronta Crus, Watsonville, Castroville, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 9.008 9.008 Fan Jore, Gamy, Satinas, Pren Robles Hot Springs, Ran Lain Obirpo- -Tres Pince-Watsonville, Santa Crus, Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 4.009 10.408 South Ran Francisco, Burlingame, San Maten, Palo Alto, San Jose 6.308 10.408 Los Alton, Monta Vista, Los 18.400 1.109 11.308 Valencia Street, Ocean View, Colma, Cemeteries, Raden, Fan Bruno. 11.408 South Ran Francisco, Hen Jose 18.208 2.00p Del Monte Express San lone. Gilroy, Sargent (Watenville, Fanta Crus).

Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove. 12.30p 2.05p South San Francisco, lo Alto, San Jose 8.400 12.05p Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos 13.209 3.00p South Han Francisco, San Mateo, San Jose, Gilroy, Tres Pinon, Relinas 10.108 3.00p Watsonville, Santa Cruz, Castroville, Del Monte, Monterey, Paellie Grove 10.058 3.40p Santa lara, San Jose, Los Gatos, Wright (Boulder Creek), Santa Crus, Watsonville, Pajaro, 10.058 4.00p Sunset Express Deming, A Paso, Houston, New Orleans, Paso Robles Hot Springs, Ran Luis Obispo, Santa Berbara, Los Angeles. 4.00p Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago. 11.408 4.20p South San Franciero, Can Jose.

19.008 15.00p Burlingame, Han Mateo. Palo Alto, Ran Jose and Way 15.05p Lorp-23d Street, Visitacion, South San Francisco, Valencia Street. 16.15p 15.20p Redwood, Palo Alto, San 1.10p 15.20p Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos. 13.20p 15.25p Burlingame, San Mateo, Sun Jose. 13.20p 15.30p Loop- -Valencia Street, Ocean Cemeteries, South San Francisco, 281 Street, 3d and 16.409 5.40p San Bruno, San Mateo, Redwood, Pale Alto, Santa Clara, San 15.40p Los Alton, Monta Vista, Los Gatos.

19.400 16.00p Millbrae, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Mayfield, Los Altos, Los Gatos. 18.008 16.05p 234 Street, Visitacion, South San Francisco, Valencia Street. 17.15p 16.25p Loop -Valencia Street, Ocean View. Cemeteries, South San Francisco, 23d Street, 3d and 17.40p 6.30p South San Francisco, San Jose 5.400 8.00p Los Angeles Passenger Gilroy, Salinas, Paso Robles Hot Springs, San Luis Obirpo, Pizmo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles 11.45p South San Francisco, Palo Alto, 7.20p Han Jose. 7.30p LOCAL FERRY TRAINS Via Oakland Pier.

Te Oakland, Berkeley, Berryman, East Oakland and -From 6.00 a.m.. and every twenty minutes until 7.00 p.m. inclusive; then 7.40, 8.20, 9.00, 9.40, 10.20, 11.00 and 11.40 p.m., 12.20 and 1.20 a.m. To Sather and Melrese via Seventh -From 6.00 a.m., and every twenty minutes until 7.00 p.m, inclusive, then 11.40 p.m. Te Stonehurst-Daily 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00 a.m., 2.20, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 5.40 p.m.

To Oakland First Fruitvale, Alameda, via Horseshoe -Daily--From 16.00, 6.20 a.m. and every twenty minutes until 8.20 a.m. inclusive; then 9.00, 9.20. 10.00, 10.20, 11.00, 11.20 a.m., 12 12.20 .1.00, 1.20, 2.00, 2.20, 3.00, 3.20, p.m. and every twenty minutes until 7 p.m.

inclusive; 7.40, 8.20, 9.00, 9.40, 10.20. 11.00 and 11.40 p.m., 12.20 and 1.20 a.m. Additional train First 84, 2.15 a.m. Te West Berkeley -Daily--From 6.00 a.m. and twenty minutes until inclusive; then 9.00 a.m.

every and every hour until 4.00 p.m. inclusive; then 4.20 p.m. and every twenty minutes until 7.00 p.m. inclusive; then 7. 40, 8.20, 9.00, 9.40, 10.20, 11.00, 11.40 p.m.

and 12.20 To Corbin Daily- From 6.00 a.m. and every 20 minates until 8.20 a.m., then 9.00, 10.00 a.m., 12.00 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 4.20, 4.40, 5.00, 5.20, 5.40 and 6.00 p.m. Union Transfer Co. authorized to check Baggage direct from residence.

SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. 15, 1909 UNION FERRY DEPOT San Francisco. Leave. VIA Arrive Petaloma, Santa Rosa, burg. Cloverdale, Uklab, Willita, Sherwood, Sebastopol, Mt.

Rio, Mills Reyes, Rio, 19.00a Petaluma, Santa Rosa, dale Petaluma, Santa Rosa. Petaluma, Santa Rosa, 4:110 Realds burg. Cloverdale, Uklah, Guerne ville, Monte Rio, Duncan Sebastopol Reyes, Occidental. 10:378 40p Glen Polat Petaluma, Santa Rosa. 6:378 ELECTRIC SUBURBAN VIA SAUSALITO.

Sausalito, minutes Mill from Valley, 7 A. M. until Rafael 9:00 A. -Daily every 40 bourly until 4:00 then then P. then 8:00 every 40 minutes until 6:40 and 10:00 P.

M. and 12:01 Fairfax, 9:00. leave 10:00. DAD 11:00 Francisco 17:00. 7:40, 8:20.

5:20 and 6:00 $12:00 noon, $1:00, 2:00, 4:00, 4:40, San Rafael P. M. San Quentin -Leave 9:00 M. and 2:00 Tiburon and 10:15 A. M.

(112:00 000D except Saturday), 112:40. 4 00. $5:20, 7:15 P. M. $4:00, Sundays 65:20, 1:15 17:00, 97:40, 12:30, P.

112:01 A. M. -Arrive P. Arrive 6.57 P. Sundays.

only, (Saturday obly. (Via Sausalito. Pacife Transfer Company's a agents authorized to check baggage direct from residence. MUIR WOODS TAMALIAIS AND MIT. TAMALPAIS VIA A SAUSALITO FERRY FOOT OF MARKET STREET LEGAL HOLIDAYS TIME Francisco Woods Sunday 1:50 a only.

only. 1 Market Muir only Ticket -Sausalito Ferry and 874 General Office- Valley, Califoraia TAVERN OF TAMALPAIS and MUIR are always open for quests OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY 6. STRATTON, Receiver. Leave San Francisco daily 19.00 P. M.

Arrive San Francisco dally 13:15 P. 8.15 Glen; stage for San Gre BAY AND RIVER STEAMERS. MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD VALLEJO. NAPA. ST.

HELENA Vallev Route, Sonticello S. Napa Valley Electric Co. (lose connections. Six round trips daily Boats leave San Francisco A 12.30 0000 3:15, 6:00. Ban Francisco Landing and Office.

Clay- street wharf north end of Ferry Building. MEALS A LA CARTE Phone Kearny 406. Savv Yard direct. Price OCEAN TRAVEL Few Choice Berths and Rooms Still Unsold CLARK'S CRUISE OF THE "CLEVELAND" (Hamburg American Line) 15,000 tons, brand superbly THE WORLD From San Francisco Feb. 8, 1910.

nearly four costing only $050 AND UP, luciudies all necessary expenses. SPECIAL FEATURES. JaI Ceylon. Italy, chance places. to HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINES 100 Powell Francisco.

Size Name Address.

San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.