The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE ITOURS AND TRAVEL LEGAL NOTICES llTThe Supreme Court of New South Walas. Probata Jurisdiction. SHIPPING SHIPPING 24 The Sydney Morning Herald, Apr. 5, 196t SHIPPING LAUNCHES, YACHTS, MARINE ENGINES 4-hoie- No disilay. Oper fAR0LtN.

ex-Army, hvy. dtv. 20 15 22. 23 26 19. 504 niatta Rd.


Hti'stvtnt. Refrigerators, Sealed Unit Keivlnator, TR ANSOCE AN CO. ONE CLASS (9200 torn). S.S. ZUIDERKRUIS.

EV1NRUDE From C1B. I VBMOhi TYPEWRITERS! FLUOR, Lights. De Luxe, batten EUROPE VIA SUEZ and M.ny Famoui Portt type, iwin iuw. mi" 80 complete. 51 Goulliurn St.

Steamer Tom I Ex. Syd ZUIDERKRUIS (operators Ned-erland Line) sails May 22, 1961. via Wellington, Tan It' and Miami to New York. A DIRECT COACH SERVICE. DAYLIGHT TRAVEL (with overnight stop).

REDLINE LANDLINLR SERVICk. FARES 610 Single. 12'10 Return. Including Meals and Overnight ion LUXURY LANDLINER COACHES. STARFLITE III.

1961 MODEL 24.0O0:Aor. FORMICA and LAMINEX Cut to ORtONU) AKLAUIAlxl We do not hold clearance sales, etc Our iniw.nrire oo I If It constant biie aiso i ixiiid or i-iKtn Tradesman Complete BILLS BROS and CROOK. 'UAUiMil SHOWROOM 54 1 The most advanced out hoard crosiey. Wottlnghouie and all others Irom f.35 or 7 Weekly. Fully reconditioned and fully guaranteed Free delivery- It Is sale buying at BAYER McDONALD and DAY PTY.

82 Goulhurn Street, Door Castlereagh Street MA6016. motor ever produced Consider the hence, value lor value, our prices are DEFINITELY THE LOWEST ORONSAY(x) STRATHAIRD(O) STRATHE OEN(o) ORONTESlt) Kent St (rfear Livei inol St Open 30.000!Apr. 15 23. 000, Apr. 2B 26.000 May 2 22.000 May 9 23.000iuiie 7 20.000'lune 21 30 22.000 uly 4 24.000(uly 19 South Wales, Spinster deceased-Application will be made after 14 davs trom the publication hereof that probate of the last Will and Testament dated 1 6th November, 1 953 ol the above-named deceased may be granted to Francis Eric Howard the Executor named In the said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address- All creditors In the Estate ol the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars ol their claims to the undersigned.

DEAN 8 HASELHURST HOWARD, Solicitors. 67 Castlereagh Street. Svdney. bat. SU- 1 I JU prvipn 12a Martin Place Oailv for Busbane.

via the coastal Pacific Highway, overnight stay Namhucca Heads. Passengers In Sydney PDnuP rmi ctaTEMENI bv cares 10 New Torn irom A143. ROYAL INTEROCEAN LINES, 255 GeorgeStreet. 27-3773 DUTCH MAILS, NEDERLAND ROYAL LINE ROTTFRDAM LLOYD Round-the-world services la Panama and Suei calling at a selection ot the following ports: PANAMA ROUTE: FOAM RUBBER BARGAINS, Off STRATHNAVER(O) rtRinMdl features: Electric start. Alternator generator.

Thermostat control. Fined Jet carburet ion, Built-in Meal check. Foam line cowl. Quieter than ever before. spectmg our big showroom display cuts, factory iiini, rut Mhlln von valt.

MARS' dropped at Looiangatta. suriers Paradise and South pop t. Two-ri HrUhanr. vrinrv Service de- Boomerana Sailings Commence rtSFRIGERATOR CAZY SALE, DEN CAMPBELL PTY. 100 OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTDy 71 York Street.

BX2501 Est Over 50 Years ORIANAUXa) parti Dally, via New England Highway, overnight Uialla. RE NOLOS' BOOKING SERVICE. Sealed Unit Models. Bankrupt, new. P.

surrenders, etc. 4 to 6 cu. It 45. 55 each. Keivlnator.

HallsUom. Westing-house, to 10 cu. ft, 42. 000. Sept.

1 23.000;Srpt. 13 29.000!Sept. 1t 20.000 Sept. 29 22.000 Oct. 16 28.000'Oct.

15 24.000!Oct. 24 Papeete. Callao. Balboa. Cristobal, ULTRA Violet tamp, Kenwood i.a Martin riace.

aynncy. BL3B96. BL3642 STRATHE DEN() ORSOVA(x) OHONTES(tKb) ORCAOES(k) S'NAVER(oXc) ORIONC) IN the Estate ot ULO LUME late Price 619 Now at: HUNTS MARINE CENTRE, Alt Prinrf i Hlaliwav. Mixer, Vacuum Cleaner; Dresses, 5SW. Shoes, 8B, good condition, MELBOURNE HOLIDAY.

tF 'r c.i.'. full freeier, 75. ST HATHA IRC May 9 J.V O. May 17 FLAMINIA Mav 19 NEPTUNIA Mav 27 FAIRSKY June 3 FAlRSEA June 13 ORONTES line 21 CASTEL FELICE June 29 SOUTHERN CROSS July 2 STH A THN AVER July 4 FLAMINIA JulV 28 AUHEUA Aug 9 FAIRSKY Aug. 12 NEPTUNIA Aug.

1 1 STRATHAIRD Aug. 1 J.V.O Aug. 25 FAIRSEA Aug. 31 CASTEL FELICE Sept. 1 1 ORONTES Sept.



A100 FLAMINIA. Fr. A94 Return tares valid for 24 months 111272. Blakehurst. LJ1254.

3U.0UUINOV. VENETIAN Blinds, Wood, slie 3ft Miami, uermuoa, ntw Torn. Lisbon. Southampton. Amsterdam, Rotterdam.

SUEZ ROUTE: Melbourne, Fremantle, Slnga- Penang. Colombo, Aden, uez. Port Said. Genoa. tan.

Amsterdam. 145.000 NOV. 20 4lt bm. a. eacn.

Hailstrom. c.f.. full freezer. a frecfer. 85, Also at: 7 DAYS TOR 2510.

REDLINE COACHES depart 12a Martin Place every Mon. and via Wagga and Altniry, on the 2 -day tour to Melbourne for 3 davs1 stay, last iccom. and local slahtseelno in 20 Prince Highway. Falrymeadow Chandos St. Crows Nest.

F5ZBi.j GAS" Bath Htr copper, sink I heater, as new, cheap- YL6048. GAS Stoves. 5 Brnj. Plate rack. Good and clean.

10. FA2212. GOLF Clubs, matched. 8 Irons. 2 wris.

hag. 29. JF2830 GARDEN Furniture. 2 Fan Chairs, Table, as new. 10.

UA5693. GLASS Counters. cx-Show. cheap- 5 Central St. next to I B.

MA702f GAS FIRES, English, 6 and 7 Radiant. Bargain price to clear. Bishops. Broadway. GIRL'S Show saddle, pig skin seat.

serge lined, iully mounted, ex. cond, gill, 25. Fowler. Carlton Rd, Thirlmere. r.At iuen ark Con- AKIAUIA(X) CANRbRRA(xXl) IBERIAU) ORONSAYCx) STRATHE DEN() ORIANA(x) ORONTES(t)tb) ORSOVA(x) 9 c.f.'.' lull freezer, 85.

VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS bv 30.000iNov. is 28.000iDec. 7 23.000 Dec. 22 4 2. OOOi Dec.

20.000,an 2 29.000'ian. 18 M.S. ORANJH. 20.551 Tons lt and Tourist Class Liner. or Morioaic mo i New South Wales Technical Olficcr deceased.

Application will be made altei' 14 days from the publication hereof that Ion of the Estate of the abovenanied deceased may he granted to Gertrude Lume the widow of the deceased and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All Creditors In the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send In particulars of their claims to the undersigned. BESWICK HEYDON LOCHRIN, Solicitors, fiS York Street, Svdnev. bpeciaiists. noo, Parts, etc.

We Pick up and del DUSf FLO. 363 Put St. MAB861 cluded. Returns via Lakes c.1 105: 9 110; 10 -a 11 c.f. 125.

12 WASHER. Thor Auto. new. Best PLANS Nuwra to Svdnev. Also 9 davs BOAT Partly air-conditioned, outside cabins.

Dep. Sydney. 1961: Jtint 20, 165. Terms arranged, hut i deal. LY4551 A H-.

LY9b7S. WOOD Folding Chairs, new, cheap-WB3667; ah. WF9144. PLANS. PATTERNS.

KITS. Oct. 6. via sue. iso: in 10.

March 28. via Panama. Single (arcs to Southampton: let riiu from A2fi5 (via Suez). (x) Stabilised, fully air-condl- tioncd First and Tourist Classes. () First and Tourist Classes.

(: Cabin Class and Tourist B. (oi One Class, it) Tourist One Clasl. (a) Waiting list only. (b) Registrations only. Ir I Imltart UinnrlM tash buyers especially catered tor.

Del. very anywhere. Inspect at. I MA FA4541. 204 Campbell St.

Darling hurst. Taylor Snuare, 2 doors Klnscla Chapels- NEW Illustrated Building Guide automatic. Mallev's. 133, JA55G0 WASHER, Simpson, Perlect. latest vector.

Safety Cut-out. Cost 1st Class Irom A250 (via OVtK OU HUA I i tUU LAN atllLO. Onlv 2l. post-tree. Call IN the WIN of JOHN JOSEPH PnvilnlV 48.

accept 20. Nine IBin oy-cror 210 ca. FL1030. today and inspect our wide range mod. Lost sen WASHING MACHINE, REYNOLDS.

12a Martin Place SL3696. SNOWY MOUNTAINS HYDRO-ELECTRIC SCHEME. 5-DAY COACH TOUR 245 FULLY INCLUSIVE. BY i KANIMBLA TOURS. 1 Departs Martin Place every Wed and Saturday, via the Hume Highway and Canberra.

Officially conducted tour of the vast Hydroelectric Scheme, including Guthega Tourist from A135 (via Suez). Tourist Iron. A12B (via Panama). Ask about greatly reduced! 01 plans. ah ivpes ana iiics RUNABOUTS.

CRUISERS. OUT Simpson, nnn vnv nun 1 35 Phone WM4328. I (Commercial) provide savings of up to 10 p.c. GAS STOVES, 25 streamline bargains, Irom 1015. G.v..

CiP-Tt. 41Sf. Gas Bath-heaters, REFRIGERATORS Kcturn Sinai, BOARDS. SAILBOATS. DINGHIES.

WASHING MACHINE. Westing- Ming YYUKLU IKAYH, dumui OPEN SATURDAY MORNING EXECUTIVE Air'Sea'Air Tickets. etc 10,15. Chip Heaters. 3 19'6- Variety ol Reliable Factory Marked and Superseded Mode's house, sell-neat, ai coi.o.

144 New Canterbury Rd. Peter- HELLENIC Single Tickets. COLOMBOBOMBAY Excursions. duai ri.ni3 Must clear. Bishops.

153 Broad George Street. Sydney. A 24 66. 1 Rro at greatly reoucen n.ei orLEN MPRN HOOVER Constellation, Salesman's WOOD Frames with flvproot wire. ENGLAND, EUROPE.

23.114 tons. Fully alr-condi-tloned. stahllisers. Dept. Svdnev, 1961.

Via Panama. April 16. June 25, Sept. 11, Nov. 21.

Single fares to Southampton: 1st Class from A3O0 Tourist Irom A154, Dam and cower station. Launcn cru se ot Lake tucumoene. I umut DINOHY, i ill, ngni, new. sun, iarion. j-jo.

BIG SHIP COMFORT 481,. 5B-9749. Ponds Works, etc. Accom 40U. 411 It.

Ijregun p.r- wond drying cabinet. Cheap. 278 Palmer St. Dar llnghurst. HOOVER W.isher, elec.

wringer, rlnr, 11 MI129BO. O-ORIENT LINE SHAW SAVILL. (a) Ice-cream and Froien-food Storage Cabinets Delicatessen Display Cases and Combinations, (c) Prefabricated Coolrooms end HOOVER Constellation Cleaner. WASHING MACHINES. Re-pos WANTED, Cruising Yacht, Ketch i preferred.

33ft to 40lt. Walsh, i CoDcnliaaen Hotel. M.S. J.V.O., 20,340 Tons. These two world-famous' British companies have many sessed, nop ucmu.

uii.innn Mirhinx Ben- WANTED. Holden Eng. with Popular One-class Liner. tx- cquipmcni- d) Fish Cabinets. r.t rnniirt Room Air dix.

Wilkins. Pope, almost brand sailings each month tram Sydney to London via Suez, South Africa Must clear stocks. LW6J4. HOOVER MAT I Washing Machine, shop-s'iilcd. Fantastic price.

LW7634. HOOVER Vac. Cleaner, perfect elec marine f. and r. gearbox, uuymu WANTED.

CRUISER, to 1500 Dep. Sydney 1961 via new. Approx. nan usuai r.iriniDiri Tumi c. from 4 de cash.

No. ab. Herald. In One Class and Tourist Classes TO EUROPE AT NEW REDUCED FARES. SYDNEY TO LONDON I (rom A100- I during "OH Season" Sailings from June 21, 1961.

to Jan. 18. 1 1962. listed above. Passengers requiring the utmost In Tourist Class travel comfort now have opportunity to book In CANBERRA and ORIANA for a tare as low as A125 from SYDNEY to K.

conditioners and Bottle Cabl-ALLneGUARANTEED EASY TMS. ana ranama. BOOMERANG SEASON. Travel First Class to U.K. OFTIIRN FARFC FROM l1q290.

trical omer, laie muaei. i- posit Here is vour greatest II I awaRRA AP FOR SALE lYiinniriti" King's Cross near Sydney In the State ol New South Wales Butcher dercascd. Application will be made alter 14 davs from the publication hereol that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated the 19th of March 1959 ol the ahovenamed deceased mav be granted to Susannah Merrtfield tue sole Executrix named In the said Will and all notices mav be served at the undermentioned ad dress and all creditors In the Estate of the said deceased are hereby required to send In par fculars of their claims to the undersigned. JOHN CRAM SON, Proctors tor Executrix, 2b Castlereagh Street. Sydney.

And at 340 High Street Penrith. IN the Will ol ELLEN FRANCES MORRISON late ol Kogarah Irt the State ol New South Wales, Widow. deceased. Application will he made alter 14 days Irom the publication hereof that Pro-hate ol the last Will and Testament dated 16th July 1952 of the ahovenamed deceased mav be granted to Lllv Pearl Macpher-son and Vera Ellerstene Harper the Executrices named in the said Will and alt notices may be served at the undermentioned art-dress. All Creditors In the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send In particulars of riiim- in thn iinriet tloned.

Mav i Aug. -is. isoz. rto One Cass from A1 69. CHRISTMAS ORANJE CRUISE: Departing Svdnev 20th Dec, ciiiinn Molhnurne.

Auckland. Island Bend and Cabramurra, I Coonia and Canberra sightseeing on return tour, continuing via! Macquarie Pass and South REYNOLDS' BOOKING 12a Martin Place; BL3896 MELBOURNE, TWO-DAY DIRECT COACH SERVICE. i DAYLIGHT TRAVEL I (with Overnight Stop). REDLINE LANDLINER SERVICE. FARE 710 Single.

1410 Return. Including Meals and Overnight Accommodation. Departs 12a Martin Place every via Wagga and Hum Hmhw.iv. PLIANCE STORES. Bargain Cen HOOD MATERIALS.

English. 72ln. SPECIAL Tourist Class One Class. tre. iUO uromc Rnoori mill Phone 57-7678 Salt and Colours.

Remnants IHAUt-IINS ALI-Cricu. ELECTRICE COMMERCIAL PTY. LTD 24 Bowden Street. Alexandria Phone MX1461 Alter Hours LF987B OPEN WEEK DAYS ONLY Suva. Habart.

Melbourne, arriv greatly reduced. Mail orders. CDAMISt. OH HrniHw.iv Our Display' Van can bring to your home any machine you wish t-lrst-Ciass Boomerang irom stg230. Write, Phone or Call WORLD TRAVEL HFADOUARTERS.

HONOUR ROLLS OF DISTINCTION ing Sydney, 8th Jan. FARES: 1st Class from A225. to inspect. ana i "SAFARI" VOYAGE ARMY BLANKETS, lull site, from STERNS. 200 George St.

ARMY 2-gal. Petrol Cans. 86, I'uurer, 4,11. Sterns. 200 Geo St ARMY Mossle Nets.

perl, order, li.6. STERNS, 200 Geo. St. ARMY Iron Frylno Pans. 71 1.

15 11. STERNS. 200 Geo. St. ARMY e-man Tents, snd.

919'6. 12j, 17ij 5ierns, 200 G. St. AUTO Tent. ftttinqs.

proolcd, i.92. STERNS. 200 Geo St. ARMY Boilers. 2-onll.

1911. 3-0. Tourist from A135. on ponsnea wooo. tnni-ca RICHIE PTY.

LTD since 18B9. 7M.7H t. Waterloo1 J.V.O. NEW ZEALAND KINDER5LEY HOUSE. 33-35 Biigh Street.

Svdnev. BW4B41 (16 lines) BW4B4 1 Branches at: Caltex House. Kent St BU1701, Hellenic House, EHz. St. 61-819S INFRA-RED LAMPS for sale and! Departs Melbourne every Via EAST AFRICA to Europe by Iberia, 30.000 tons.

From Svdnev. 30th June. 1961. Via Melb Frerrv. Mauritius.

Zanzibar. Mombasa (3 days), Aden, Egypt. Athens (Piraeus) Naples. Lisbon, London (6 Thu mianihcc nt Safari" Voy REFRIGERATORS. hire.

x-nav supplies r-iv 102 Hunter St. city. BW3357. via rnnce ingnway. REYNOLDS.

12a Martin Place. BL3B15. BL3G42. KNITTING with motor. UM1 iniV 24 6.

New. sterns, zuo ueo. it. SOU. cxtn or irne-in.

ivihm u. KNITM ASTER. Rihmastcr. com BRISBANE iwhwi ii.i AUIU itNiS, l-mings, rooien SHOP TYPES. REBUILT WITH KELVIN ATOR UNITS Be early.

Don miss out this snectaculr offer Irom Bayer, McDonald and Dav ot luily Reconditioned and guaranteed Wash- Inn". vwltri a 12 months age for only normal First and 7 DAYS. i. SI (Ni. zuu iieo DC plete, qiion r.oiionni" ui ARMY Tenls.

snd. 9f19'6. tourist hares, I.I.OYD KNITMAC MACHINES. tradc-back-in ofler and easy tms. C12'i.

173. Sterns. 200 Geo. St ARMY New Berets 1 2Q. others 411.


COLOMBO, COCHIN. ADEN AND PORT SAID. tarn lju per with Contact the leading Specialist tor ALL Steel Knitting Machines. wnicn means A MONTHS FREE SERVICE ARMY Kit Bags. 5, 76.

Crass Shackcls with locks. 76. STERNS, CRUISES. Especially tailored to suit any Christmas-New Year Holiday Period. i J.V.O.

will make 4 separate voyages to Z. 2 of which are special cruises. 15-DAY ROUND TRIP departs Sydney. 14th Ore. 61, via Wellington.

Auckland. Melbourne. Returns Sydney 29th Dec. 61. Fares from 95.

13-DAY CRUISE: Departs Sydney 30th Dec, 61. via Wellington. Auckland, Melbourne, returns Sydney 12l1i 62. Fares from 95. 10-DAY CRUISE: Departs Svdnev.

13th 62, via Auckland. Wellington, returns Sydney, 23rd 62, Fares from 77. 10-DAY ROUND TRIP: Departs Svdnev 24th 62. via Auckland. Wellington, returns Svdnev, lrri Ffh fi? Fare from 70.

REDLINE COACHES depart 1 Sydney daily, calling Port Mac-; quane, Nambucca Heads. Cool-anaatta. 3 davs In Brisbane and 300 miles ol sightseeing tours. Return via Darling Downs, Armi-dale. Tamworth.

Can be extended to 9 davs, 30 10: 10 davs. 14 davs. 3910. REYNOLDS, 12a Martin PI. BL3642.

BL3896. Ideal for earning lucrative incomes ADVERTISING INDEX Page Aircraft 24 Air Services, etc 24 Amusem*nts 25 Apartments, Hoard and Residence To Let 34 Apartments, Hoard and Residence Wanted 34 Auction Sales 25 Births, Marriages, Deaths 40 Builders and Repairers 29 Building Materials 29 Businesses For Sale 26 Businesses Wanted 26 Caravans and Trailers 28 Casual Work 35 Catering 25 Company Notices 26 Dancing 25 Dental Notices 35 Dogs, Cats, Goldfish, etc 35 Drive Yourself 26, 27 Educational 39 Electrical 25 Engagements 40 Factories. Business Premises, Shops To Let and Wanted 33 Flats To Let 34 Flats Wanted To Rent 34 Florists 40 For Exchange 33 For Sale 24 Funerals 40 Funeral Directors 40 Furniture and Furnishings For Sale or Wanted 25 Furniture Rcmovalists, Motor Hire and Transport 25 Garden Supplies, Horticulture 29 Horses, Vehicles and Livestock 25 Hotels and Holiday Resorts 34 Hospitals. Rest Homes, etc 34 Houses, Home Sites for Sale 30-33 Houses, Business Premises, Land Wanted To Buy 33 In Mcmoriam 40 Launches. Yachts, Marine Engines 24 Legal Notices 24, 40 Lost and Found 33 Lottery Results 35 Machinery 29 Money, Stocks and Shares 40 Motels 34 Motor Cycles, Motor Scooters and Bicycles 26 Motor Driving Schools 26 Motor Parts, Repairs, Tyres 28 Motor Vehicles 27, 28 Musical Instruments 25 Offices.

Halls, Studios To Let and Wanted 33, 34 Office Furniture and Equipment 35 Partnerships. Agencies 26 Personal and Missing Friends 33 Pest Control 29 Photographic, Cameras, etc 24 Positions Vacant 35 to 39 Men and Boys 35 to 38 Women and Girls 38 to 39 General 39 Positions Wanted 35 Poultry. Birds, etc 25 Professions, Trades 35 Properties For Sale 33 Public Notices 26 Radio. TV and Accessories 40 Real Estate Auction Sales 30 Restaurants 25 Return Thanks 40 Shipping Announcements 24 Situations Vacant 39 Situations Wanted 39 Stations, Farms and Slock 33 Suburban and Country Picture Theatres 25 Tenders 29 To Let 33 Tours and Travel 24 Wanted to Purchase 25 Wanted to Rent 33 Withdrawn from Sale 33 You can book In IBERIA, 30,000 tons. Stabilised and fully alr-condl-tloned.

from Sydney, 12th May. Arrivlno Auckland. 15th May. Every rebuilt Cahlnet and Recon-ditioned Condensing Unit has the zuo ceorge street. AERIALS (12ft long.

3 sections) make good fishing rods. 226 tTFUNt 7ntl Hon rot Street. from 3 Traywav. 10 Simpson 25 Hoover. 20 Mailers.

Snln-drler. 291 Of Thor. 2910. Pope. 25 Turner Sapphire 2910 BAYER.

MCDONALD and DAY PTY. fl? r.nnlriiirn street. SvdnPV Motor Vessel OCEANIA oNEPTUN I A AUSTRALIA OCEANIA Limited vacancies In First and at home, l-uiiy guaramcen. ui limited Tuition. Easy terms.

yarns supplied. KNITMAC AUST.) PTY. 63 Strand Arcade (1st floor). RLdd-ll. A N.

HARDING. BREDEN AUSTIN Proctors for the Executrices. Wmqcllo House, Angel Place, Svdnev- IN the Will Of HAROLD ERNEST NELSON of Londonderry In the State ol New South Wales Storekeeper deceased. Application will be marie alter 14 davs from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated the 17th lune. 1939 ol the ahovenamed deceased mav be granted to Daisy Lyle Nelson the Executrix named In the said Will and all notices mav be served at the undermentioned address.

Tourist Class. FARES: First Class A43M0. Tourist Class A30. SURFERS' PARADISE. ABSOLUTE BARGAIN.

6 only 12.2 Hoover Refrigs. 14910. LW2752. LW8396. A.h.

LW6343 AERIALS (12ft long 3 sections). Make good fishing rods, 22 .6. 0NEPTUNIA From From Genoa Mar. 24 Apr. 29" Apr.

22 Mav 27 May 12 June 17 June 9 July 15 July 7 Aug. 12 July 28 Sept. 2 Aug. 25 Sept. 30 Sept.

22 Oct. 2B Oct. 13 Nov. 18 Nov. 10 Dec.

15 Dec. Jan. 13 Dec. 29 iFeb. 3 LAWN MOWERS.

20 trade-In iinu.3,irn nvwtnr, 1 i il 204 fi. See them lor yourself 1 00 Beautiful Commercial Refrigerators LEATHER PUNCHING BAGS. I 1 door reagh Street. MA6016. MAY ORIENTAL CRUISE CTFRNS.


STERNS. 200 worth 12'i. our price 3'Jib. STERNS. 200 George Street.

LEATHER Club Chair. 3: Radio-grajii. slight adjustments req 5 vvr.jT? By Iberia. 30.000 tons. From Sydney, 12th MAY.

Returning 26th June. Vltluna Auckland. Suva. Yoko George street. buub, Also ample accommodation for one-way traffic and return passages tor those who wish to spend Near the fabulous surhng beach and loatur HQ wall to-Will I LAWN MOWER BARGAINS.

Cotda rotarv 10, Ooden petrol 7. i All crennors in mt ui me ClOllllllfJ; deceased are hereby required to pets, co*cktail bar. refrigeration, hama, Kobe Nagasaki, Hong Kong, Manila and anchoring In Whitsunday Passage during a noimav in ncw ROYAL INTEROCEAN LINES. 2S 5G eorg eSt eet U373 AUTO MARQUEE TENTS Cottage HENT-A-TENT or Hire Purchase Book now. PLATTS.

439 Pitt St corner Campbell St. MA7308. private bathroom, spacious sun-deck, hreaklast service to apartment, etc. 7 to 14 DAY TOURS BIG 'aVor Room Warmers, late fiQfi JOO Gen. St.

southbound transit or Harrier hi. Limited Vacancies Only. Tourist Class, 4 and 6 berth. Cabins from A26S per berth. Grass Cutter 15.

Pope Elect. Greens Elect. 8. C. S.

McPHEE'j Lawnmnwer Sales and Service. 409 Canterbury Rd, Campsle, cnr. St. UW1961. UJ2046.

MOWER, Vlcta Spec. cheap nthcr onnrt nrri. Bans YL6048, INTEROCEAN ROYAL scnu in paruiiinio hum". to the undersigned. J.

CAWOOD HALL, Proctors lor the Executrix. 121 Marsrien Street, Parramattn. By their city A-jenls BOWMAN MACKENZIE Solicitors. 133 Put Street. Svdnev.

Include LANDLINER COACH BRIDAL Dress, as new. 45. Sell for best offer. SSW. A.h.

272 Harris St. Pvrmont. FUR, Natural Russian 5quirrel. Fun lerqth coat, dear pale grcv skins. Best quality.

As new. Rirn MA1995. FURS. Canes. Stoics and Jackets LINES FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED.

One-class vessel, Calls Hoiiart. First Class off-season Excursion and Tourist Class offseason fares apply bv these sailings. Free First Class rail and sleeper Itaiv-London-ltaiv allowed First Class high-season return oasscnaers. trTavfl from SYDNEY to SYD-; BRITISH Govt, uuiiei jacKCts. yo.

NFY GOIA THE COASTI 89 6 Sterns. 200 George St di ti idm via BBiIraNE ANDi BINOCULARS, powerful. 16 50. WINTER CRUISES. 1961 Round trips to Japan and Hong Kong hv modern Dutch Liners Tliwangi and Tfiluwah Monthly THE NEW ENGLAND WAY I 6 SVI 1 2 nnirxtl- BoKteri.

91 1 2 Snlendld Cruises from Svdnev Kolinsky. IN the Will of ELLEN MMA uniinsm riAvi ir.MT fOAfll TRAVEL OPEN SATURDAY M-'JRNINGS Marmot, bquirrei. Silver and Arctic Fox, etc. Somei O'HALLOR AN late of Balranald In JUNE IB. 10 DAYS.

One Class STRATH AVER. 22.000 To Noumea. Barrier Rf. (Hayman itate d( New South Wfies tOniH miliv IZgi'S MAROUEE, 30 18. New.

heavy mat Sacrifice. 48. UR2405 MIXERS. Pastrycooks and Commercial Kitchen. New, Secondhand.

BM2341. MOTOR Mower, Scott Bonnar Queen. 24 In cut. 18 mths. old.

Little used. reasonable price. XX2478. First Class Excursion Fares Fares include bed. hreaklast Accommodation Throughout 7 DAYS 16 10 0 DAYS 17 15 0 14 DAYS 25 5 0 REYNOLDS' BOOKING OFFICE, 12a Martin Place.

Svdnev. 3 8 96 B13642 IS-) and Brisbane- prom LAhu. JUNE 26, 12 Days. ORSOVA. 29,000 Tons.

To Green Is. (for Barrier Reef. Generous ti ade-ln allowance lor viur old Fur. Lav-hv and Pav-As-You-Wrar. BERKELEY OF BURWOOD.

146 Burwood Road, Burwood Station. 10 minutes bv tram from Central. Remodelling and Renairt. from tA334. Tourist Class Single Fares On-Season A122.

Off-Season A97 One Class single fares. On-Season A12S. Ott-Season A100 timetable sailings. April 12th, Mav 11th. June 12th.

July 12th. August 12th and September 18th. Round-trip Fares: First Class from CA380. Tourist Class from A2O0. Tours and Shore excursions in Japan and Hong Kong arrangeable on board.

Cairns. Atherton MIXMA5TER. Sunbeam, In good port Moresby, Noumea, i-rom A117 First Class A87 1 AILOK nn AL)E suits order and condition, wnn nnwi ilengc Hammers. ujd. wiu Ousels, 2 6 STERNS 200 Gen St I BALM ROOF PAINT.

4 cols. PRIMER COAT. 296 gall, 'a-gall. 176. Sterns, 200 Geo.

St. BOAT5, 10ft loldlnq, new, 59'4- Our price complete 37V Sterns. 200 Geo. St. BEDROOM Commode Chair.

8 Rmo week- day. MA85B1. Alter 6 p.m. FY6762. BEAUTIFUL Rocking Horse, as new.

cost 16, take 9, bargain. WF991 7. BOATS, 1 Oft. Folding, new, perfect, usually 594. Our price, 37'i.

Sterns. 200 Geo. St BED. SUITES, Carpets. Kit.

Suite. TV. all new. Write No, 1S761. Herald.

The above fares apply from MV Neotunia sailing 2756t Llovd Triestino tickets are now Interchangeable with those of the SNOWY MOUNTAINS. and luice extractor, ahsisd Tourist Class. ditioned OV experts, an to 9 GEORGE. 460 Pitt St niMi r.n r-i REFRIGERATOR5.

MASONITE, 12 4 1flln sheets Widow deceased. w.ll be made alter 14 davs from the publication Hereof that Probate ol the last Will md Testa-nmnt dlted the 26th November 1960 ol the ahovenamed deceased mav be planted to Patrick Francis Hailoran. Raymond Fitzgerald O'Halioran and Vincent Gerald Hailoran the Executors named In the said Will and all notices may he served at the undermen. tioned address. All creditors In the Estate of the said deceased art hereby required to send In particulars ol thHr claims to the undersigned.

DUDLEY WEST-GAR rn A CO. 3G9 George Street. Sydnny Agents for ALEC M. HAVFS. 199 Campbell Street, Swan Hill.

Victoria. Proctor for the applicants. IN the Will and One Codicil of ORIENTAL CRUISE WEDDING Frock, model. Chantlllv SEALED UNITS Lace, pleated tune, tun 80 gns-, accept best otter. UA4326 ontaiiahie oniv jia.

Masonlte Products available trom BILLS BROS- and CROOK. "MASONITE SHOWROOM." 541 Kent Street (near Liverpool St), nnon ft 0.11 30. omer mam nnes ana airunes. General Agents: GILCHRIST. WATT and SANDER' SON PTY.


BALI. By HIMALAYA. 28.000 Tons. (Stabilised and fully alr-cond 37 DAYS. From 5vrinev.

2fith 1961 THE SNOW GOOSE. Take the Red Coach to the Magnificent SNOWY MOUNTAINS SCHEME. Fully Inclusive 3-dav Conducted Tours From 1310 Direct from Cooma. rrnicp Car Park. MOWERS: Reconditioned Petrol Choose from famous brands: ADVERTIsem*nT column tnat will bring quick economic results.

Allowing 6 davs In Japan, 3 davs In Hong Kong, 2 in Singapore and 1 In Ball, with a aitick call at a haul Keivlnator, Fngidaire. Lawn Mowers, vina. wm-ger. Hornet. Ato.

Green's, etc. Guaranteed. 10. 1S. 20.

2S. 30 Others as Traded. 5. LAWRENCE RROS 15 Forest or 9 8.45 a.m. and 2.15 p.m.

wrn fldl a m. 2.15 m. Westinghouse. Croslev. Electnce tieciroiux Pnmt Cnhi etc.

Book at NSW. Tourist Bureau BABIES and an Island call within the Gt, Barrief Reef south-hound-LIMITFn VAfANriFs" ONLY HUODART PARKER Ltd. and Cane Sunroom Furn. Buv PJIOTOtJRAI'IlIC, CAMKRAS, KTC. HLIGHi.

Mariin t-iace, and ail courteous Agents Rvedale Rd jV tR.y e. 8 00 3 2 9 Each relnqerater is tnornughiy irom m.iker LA172l 1 1 i iabdi TABLL. comoirte equip UNION STEAM SHIP WORLD-WIDE TRAVEL SERVICE. Bookings arranged for NEW ZEALAND bv Wanganeila, Monterey. Mariposa.

O-Orient Lines. Royal Dutch Malls, etc. for K. -Europe, via SUEZ, THE CAPE andior PANAMA, by O-Orient and Blue Funnel. Shaw Savili and Llovd Triestino, Dutch Mails, N.Z.S.

Messagcries Maritime. FOR CANADA. U.S.A. and FAR EAST. bv O-Orient Lines.

Matson Lines. A Line. Fnr TRUIES to PACIFIC Fare from A268 Tourist Class and from A361 First Class TOURIST SNOWY MOUNTAINS unci PAUf AUSTRALIA. tun sue, gooo oner vi'iny reconditioned am covereo o.v Wilks lamous guaranteea From 210 deposit. 5f weekly A ot New Cameras and Carl i ni lord Bownnq iiun, run-nint i-iiiic Rniri arllnnlord ORIANA CRUISE StK Vllt, Box 161, Cooma.

N.S.W Phone 1211 BATHS, Green or Pink. 1815' Wish io nispnse ot. at Prkc-. ronlemporarv custom-made Furniture and Dining Set. Beauty Rest Double Springs and Mirxi v.


April 7, May 5, June 2-TO AUCKLAND. April 21. May 19. June 16. ASM AN IAN CARGO SERVICE HOPART.

V. WATAMURRA. April 13. Passenger Boohing Agents to BRITAIN. CANADA.

S.A.. AND FAR EAST. Free service. CHRISTMAS. 1961.

Commencing Sydney, 1 4th DEC for 13 DAYS Free delivery Pericitai Masins, to toi. vkii Riiim Sirrl Sinks. AIR SERVICES, ETC. Tubs Mtist clear. Bishops, 153 vlnator Rcfriqerator, Bam boo i Table.

Chairs and Lounne. Lamps Prr to-araprttc tquipmem auuLii Every Friday in the "Herald ENLARGER, with 12 10 masking frame. fixer and printing papers, as new. cost 45. idl 20 or near.

Also 35mm single lens reflex camera with 2 8 Tessa fully automatic lens and prism. Slxtomat X3 exposure HOME APPLIANCE DISPOSALS (In the old Crovdon Park Theatre) Visiting Hobart. South Island N.Z. (Akaroa and Picton). Wellington, then cruising to and anchoring oft Gt.

Barrier and and oddments k-osi i jho Broadway. BINOCULARS, brand new. imported. 8 30. 9'10: 7 50.

(nmK. in 1415: 12 6 P.n Cnr. UCOrgc a nuti Bcaulort St. Croydon Park. YB5283.

Alter hours WFb525. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. O-ORIENT. SHAW SAVILL and NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING recondltioneq. iz moiuns guarantee Immcct.

delivery. MW4318. later circling Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands. FARES: From A94 Tourist Class and from A133 First Class. ISLANDS.


50. 15(176. 16 50. 20 50. 1810.

We have the largest selection ot new and used best-known brands ot D.n,ri,.i accented. MAIILUA rn.tww formerly ol Lane Cove and la'e ol In the State of New South Wales 5plnster deceased. Application will he made after 1 4 davs from the publication hereof that probate of the last Will and Testament dated 24 tn September. I960 and one codicil thereto dated 6th February. 1 961 ol tne ahovenamed deceased mav he granted to Lautence William Tavlor the Executor named in the said Will and all notices mav be served at the un-ler-mentloned address.

All Creditors In the Estate ot the deceased are herehy required to send in particulars of their claims to the unrt.cr5'V1rpid' FRANCIS. TAYLOR AND FERGUSON. Kembla Building, 58 Margaret Street. Svdnev, NSW. IN the Estate ol SHIRLEY MARY POTTER late ol Paddington In the State ol New South Wales Married Woman deceased Application will be made alter 14 days Irom the publication hereol that Administration ol the FMate ol the ahovenamed deceasrd mav be granted to Frank Douglas Potter the hushand of tne deceased, and ail notices maw hp prved at the undermen UNION LINE AIRWAYS.

247 GEORGE STREET. Telephone 2-0523 Corner Martin Place and Pitt St. Telephone 2S-3023. Booking Agents tor CANADIAN PACIFIC AIRLINES. AN SETT-A.


BM6521, LU, LINtS, 10 Bridge St. Svdnev. BU1245 And at 25 King St. NEWCASTLE Guarateed DV me i uc rath Roai'lpr CO. PtV, Terms arranged.

PLATTS. 439 dim fsn nr 14-16 York Street. Svdnev; CANADA AND U.S.A. Pitt St. corner Campbell Street UA7ini) MA7308 IIKIinu (TP AM CI4IP rnMPANY 447 Allred St.

Nth. vdney. XB1987 Vancouver. San Francisco. CAR Covers, suit Morris.

50. Hoi- OF Z. Union House. 247 George Street. Phone 2-0528.

Los Angeles, en route Auckland, 622-632 Harris Street. Ultimo. BX7014. MA6B63. ONE Harlord Gas Sink Heater, ex- cciient cond'tion.

UA3246-t-itcif-c ka flrHlWf Various, NOTICES auva. rtonoiuiu, i-ak tAbl Manila. Hong Kong. Japan. CaVTIa? A'cVFIc'mWYS CAR COVERS, ail to clear, Corner Martin Place and Pitt Phone 25-3023.

Steamer Ex Syd. See Notes ADDING: Coiona 59. Bur JAPAN. LtdJtu3n7FAi ANDr NATIONAL CARPFNTER'S Bench, orcgon. 3, NEW ZEALAND national WB3667 alter 8 a.m.

May roughs ti8; Olivetti fcS'a, EL. 131; Adwel -15. etc imti Ntr. MCHS Sund- -i fnn tj'7 CHISELS, heavv morticing. it.

SURFBOARO. brand new. (he WiM o( JAMES BENNETT UNION LINE IV 1 Mb ailtrr alC Ol KUIlcnnuwi in inr ji.hc REGULAR CARGO SERVICES New South Wales Pensioner fAICULATORS. Burroughs. SUNBEAM M.

-master. coniH.eie SHfPPING TO TASMANIA. NEW ZEALAND, June 9 June 14 July 1 July 12 Aug. 8 Sept. 24 5ept.

30 Oct. 16 ORIANA HIMALAYA ORIANA CANBERRA ORSOVA OP.CADFS ARCADIA ORONSAY CANBERRA ORIANA Comofmeter. Ir. 49 with drink mix bienner liners. Duration round trip, six'' cli oi r.iaFin Pranks Com- te; AIRCRAFT 'cofciH 20fi AIRCRAFT' wanted to the value of LXV(i52 1 1.500 in exchange u'1 CAR COVERS, su.t Morns.

50,. jfRini7. South Sea Islands and Vancouver. DUPLICATORS Gestetner Elec! sell ZO or oner Batti'iraier. Gas.

Fir-. 1B. Manual tB Standard L4H bUCLtbM A I HE MO. for SUVA. LAU TIME RHCCmiJiNij cKu tiec.

Sink Heater All good UI1S64 TOKA. NUKUALOFA. APIA. CHEAPEST FARES In Manly Phone XU1657 fARPF.T. 50 grey Wiltonl Nov dr-rased.

Application will be marie alter 14 davs trom tho pnhli'ation nerent that uf the last Will and dated 1 November 1952 ol the ahovenamed deceased mav be granted to Harnett Edith Bennett the Executrix named the said Will and all notices may he served at the undermentioned ad-dres. All creditors the Estate TYPF WRITERS. Latest and Elec SHOPFITTI NGS: Franks. Exchange YACHTS, rniir nlT' M.xe?. Snopsmith FANNING IS.

VANCUUVtK. Sails Melbourne late April. Sydney early Mav. REGULAR WEEKLY SERVICE. Italv.

Germany. Hnllanrt nrti 1 I Sawtr.lstcr and sundry tools Onve'ti Portable and Slandiid.i nave everything 191 Hav btrcci. Portable Elec. Corona 07'. MA7326 Also buy.

Empire 4 Hermes. ImooiaT. SUNTAN Lamps lor sale and hire. Used Underwood. Noiseless, etc.

X-Rav Supplies nwSSV I A77HR MAKING KNGINKS rirst and Tourist Classes All fully air-conditioned, (a) North Amer. and back to Syd. b) F. EastfN AmerJF EastU.K. (c) Nth.

Amer.fthence via Panama. Jamaica, Bermuda, (dl P. Amei.lF EastfSvd. U-K. cu V.U ri Tri I CYTU A SIli.ClALS,i Good condition, super quality.

BURNS. PHILP Co. Ltd, Cash or Terms. Guar. See window SAFES.

New and Used. Pioneer, G- TALL AND' nulred to send in particulars of tioned address. All creditors In the Estate ol the said deceased are herehy required to send in particulars ol their claims to the undersigned. T. D- MARSHALL.

LANDERS 251-253 George Street, Sydney. IN the Will of the Ifte WILLIAM SHANNON late ol Rorelle the State ot New South Wals, Cattle Buyer, deceased. Prohate granted bv the Supreme Court of New South Wales on the 21 st March. 1961. Pursuant to the Wills Probate and Administration Act.

1898-1954 (Testator's Family Maintenance and Guardianship of Infants Aot 1916-1954 and Trus-(pp Act. 1 925-1942) Vincent BOATS, aim l-Xcii rJ-n 'CASH Register, electric model, suit Ask about our greatly reduced 1 on.v. Rft D.nghv. 39.

new.i station or similar. 100 MOFFAT TRAVEL Bridge Street. 27-7562- HAWAIIAN EXCURSIONS their Claims to me unoersigneo. ARTHUR KENNEDY Solicitors, 266 The Bouievarde, Pnnrhhnwl. Be Early For Saturday Don't leave it till later.

Lodge your Saturday classified advertise-in now through your newsagent or by telephone (B0944). 10'j, YOUR TRAVEL AGENCY others, Regular fortnightly service. If-liS ino Lin nn jwj jusk Olnce Wlngello'SHOPFITTINGS: All kmcll to uil House. Angel Plate, next Martin anv business Showcases. Glass Piaci OneS Saturrlav.

Counters. Window Fittings etc. 'WIM ABl sssr IN the Will Of SYDNEY 1 AMES V'VS'ViS: Lirj "All h.p. Outboard. 35, Pacific BOOMERANG Voyages.

Round trips to Nth. America or stop-over. Also RETURN TICKET RATES. SEAAIR INTERCHANGE. FAR EAST TRIPS only.

COOKING Pots with lids. ex-Gov. 2-gal. 1911. 246.

Sterns. h.p. Outboard, 45, For All Bookings, BULLOCK late ot wniougiiov the State ol New South Wales, DAtlroH P.i Inter deceased. Appli only, XWB451 H- CHAIRS RECANED. Wicker Furni PRAM.

cane, good order. 4. 1 separately. uAru Pnrf. fullv ORION DEPARTURE JF6574.

INTERSTATE SAILINGS 18 h.p. West Bend. 270, ai 1 only! 25 hp. Scott, 230, nb.ti Marmot. emDrOd rancv m.

i. ture repaired, repainted. Reedtex, 601 Botany Rd. bcrv. MX32R2 CHAIRS, Leather Upholstered, as'new.

cost well over 100. Coach-built. 12 or nearest offer, UNION STEAM SHIP CO. OF This vessel win sail for London from No. 13 Wharf, Pvr- tnnnt at A m.

Friday. 7th Aor. Must sen- pnnne xrviaii 1 Steher O'brd. 170 maacri, large auaniuy oio ci. LF91B7 Cargo Bookings are now being diiimrfr fomnlelp Kit Ot Tools Boat "Trailers.

39. new. N.Z Liu. line, in Ni.j. Union House, 247 George Street.

Svdnev. Telephone, 2-0528. CAFE Gas Ranges, large ovens witn large iock-up aii Makes Baby Scales SALE or HIRE. Embarkation ot passengers will be between 1.30 and 3 p.m. All traffic to the Wharf should recciveo tor HOBART: with hotplates, as new Bishops.

1 It Rrrudwav. Scheduled Fares No Extras. B0. Will sell, or oner. 1 9B7.

cation will be made alter 14 days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated 14th July. 1949 of tne ahovenamed deceased mav be granted to Eileen Ruth Hall the Executrix named In the said Will and all notices mav be served at the undermentioned address. All creditors In the Estate ol the deceased are hereby required to send In particulars ol their claims to the underslcned. C. B.

ALDER-DICE CLARKE. Solicitors. 692 Pacific Highway. Chatswnod. Bv their Svdnev Agents.


Itemisers latest proceed via the top roao. A It. I NR OAV VISITORS. Sidney Scott the Executor of tht Will of the said WHljam Shannon who died on the 8th December. 1960 hereby gives notice that creditors and others having any claim against or to the Estate ol the said deceased are required to send particulars of their claims to the said Executor' at 720 Daklng House, Raw.

son Place, Sydney on or before the 1st September. 1961. at the expiration ol which time the said executor will distribute the assets having regard only to the claims ol which they thei has? nrtite. Dated the 4th April, 1961- LrNE LANE. Solicitors lor Exe-minr TA M.triin Place Svdnev.

Large range of other boats and outboards. Cash or casY terms. trade-Ins. West Bends, Mercury, or Sea Gull onthnards. S.

McPHEE MARINE, 499 Canterbury Rd. Campsle cnr Beamish St. UWIKfil 1112046 ShOPH I I INCjS. I WEDOERBURN and SONS PTY 73 Liverpool Street. Sydney.

Opposite Kent Street. BA248S Hire Purchase Arranged. OPEN SATURDAY MORNING AiHVYATj PAiSAUtb and ITEAMSHIP PASSAGES to FIJI. JAPAN, NEW GiilNFA Visitors must be in possession ot the Company's pass, a limited numbei of which is made Huddart Parker Ltd BU1Z45 ADELAIDE: KOOLIGA. 14th April.

Mcllwraith, Ltd. BUI 81 TOWNSVILLE. SHIPPING PETER BELL BARGAIN CENTRE mooeis, row. hjo Street, Citv CASES: 2 large Lilt Vans, 1 1 6x7. watertight lining, 12 each For immediate removal 37 Kitchener Ave.

Earlwood LL04BS. aval to pasienoers for Is wnerc you save money on Electric Home Appliances' Centrally situated at 43 Oxford St citv. opposite Winn's. PETER trlbution to their friends prior to arrival at the wharf. Those hold MANOORA.

13tn April I A A INF Steamship Co NL AMERICA. CANADA. EUROPE. ENGLAND. All Lines.

Book Now. 1 17 Pitt Street. Sydney. 1-lnch, 1 4 It Ply Runabouts. Irom 1 54 demising and on -Itemising.

12tt Ply (rom 75 immediate delivery Fullv 3-iar- TO ENGLAND. SHAW SAVILL LINE, via South Africa-Calling Durban Capetown FLOTTA LAURO tnr ariv ehooDers this morning: IN the Will (and one Codicil) ot ue fill 14 In tOii i Aut-ins: an teed. W4 lit) ing passes will be allowed on board from 1 30 and not later than 3 P.m. ORIENT LINES. Passenger Booking Office.

2 Soring Street. Svdnev. IN thn Will of MAUD CHARLOTTE 12ft Plv Runabout, steering and CASH REGISTERS New and Re- ana i-aaLID (Italian Lines). To LONDON via BARRIER REEF SINGAPORE. BOMBAY.


B0539. I CAIRNS' MANOORA, 13th April Adelaide Steamship Co Ltd. B0539- MANOORA Passengers Brisbane. Townsvllle and Cairns Sailing Thursday. 13th April.

NOT 12th April, as previously notified ADELAIDE STEAMSHIP CO LTD B0539 21-ineh PYE TV. one In maole. one in walnut. BDgns. 24-Inch ADMIRAL TV.

one at 89gns. and one at 99gns. 17-lnch H.M.V. TV. In cabinet, with doors.

This is a well-cared-for set and can be yours tnr R5ons. NEW REDUCED FARES to EUROPE. Off-season Sailings, lune to lanuarv Next. SOUTHERN CROSS lApr. 10.


15. 62 DOM. MONARCH IMar. 1B. 62 1 50 1 built Calculators Type- 99i writers.

Best terms Cash, lease. 25 Office Appliances. 100 William St, I Sydney. FA8051. Open Saturday.

50 CAR COVERS, 15 12 54, 18 65 12 591: Camp Stretchers. 45C i75 14 12 Tent. 7'j. Factory price- 250' Action Canvas Goods. 504 Parra- 370' matta Rd.

Petersham. LM1857. 12ft Plv Runabout. Dinghies. Irom OUTBOARD MOTORS; 4 p.

Riptide, 3 h.p. Cheras. 15 h.p. Evlnrude. 40 h.p.

Scott, 35 h.p- Electric Perkins. NEW ZEALAND TO From I From Genoa I Sydney about I about ONE CLASS and TOURIST CLASS HAKIIULU mnni rx iaic of North Svdney In the State of New South Wales Plumber deceased. Application will be made after 14 davs Irom the publication hereol that probate of the last Will anl Testament dated 30th March 1 9S0 (and one Ctdidl thereto dated 30th June, 1 953) ot the ahovenamed deceased may he granted to Edgar Oliver Little the only survivor of the Executors named In the said Will and Codicil and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All Creditors In VlA PANAMA. PASSENGER SAILINGS Big PRESIDENT FRIGE, to go i-are from tiuu.

Calling N.Z.. Fiji, Tahiti. Balboa. Vessel i Ex Syd. 10'a' cu ft CROSLEY FRIGE (hnn tnllnrl f.1?n Vessel TV" ROMA TV SYDNEY TV ROMA TV SYDNEY TV ROMA Apr.

deep. Complete with 6 shelves. 5.916 each plus 12'j o.c sales-tax Spare shelves 14(6 each, plus tax. In baked enamel, grev finish. Insoect at: H.

ROWE 411 Cleveland Street. Redfern. 69-5541. ROWE 136 EUiabeth Street. Sydney 61-6254 H.


PHESSURE POTS. GUNS. HOSES, for the Home User and CONTRACTOR Also Floor Sanding Machines, Floor Cramps. E'ec Tools and Welders, etc bllNCLAlK laiC OI Wellington in the Dominion of New Zealand, Application will be 14 days dom the date hereof that the Exemplification of Probate of the last Will and Testament dated 73rd March 1959 of the above-named deceased granted by the Registrar of Probates Wellington New Zealand to Michael Hardie Boys care of T. and G- Building Grey Street Wellington and John Bcntley Morrison care of T.

and G. Building, Grey Street Wellington be sealed with the seal of this Court. All notices mav be scrvnd at the undermentioned address. All creditors of the Estate ot the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of 12 Apr. aim i i mh-iu.

SOUTHERN CROSS lJulv 2. 61 CROSS lOct 15. 61 SOUTHERN CROSS iuly 1.62 ELECTRIC MOTOR-TYPE RE 1 7-361 1 17461 14461) 15(561 24,5 611 24661 22)6 61 23'761 18611 1961 30.8611 30961 910611 91161 IB Aor- TON AUCK TON AUCK AUCK AUCK FRIGERATORS, from 1.1 b. WASHING MACHINES, Irfim f.2210. From N.Z..

via Panama. Curacao 21 Apr. 29 Apr. 29 Apr CASH REGI5T tHb. becono-nana and New.

sold, serviced and guaranteed by the makers. The National Cash Register Co. Pty. 14-16 York St. 622-32 Harris St, Ultimo BX7014.

MA6863 CASH REGISTERS New Cash Registers, complete, in. intu at 7o in 9 direc iv sruNtr TV ROMA TV SYDNEY shilial: 12ft Plv Runabout, upholstered seats. 40 h.p. Scott Outboard, steering and trailer. 499 OPEN WEEKENDS.

TERMS, TERMS. TERMS-TRADE-INS ACCEPTED JAX MARINE, 913 Canterbury Road. Lakemba, UL4357. or inniaao the Estate ol the deceased are April 14. 61 May 1712611 17M62 Wanganeila Monterey Willem Ruvs Wanganeila Mariposa Dom Mon Wanganeila Orlana I Wanqanella Monterey Wanganeila Oriana TV ROMA CORINTHIC CERAMIC GOTHIC CONSOLE RADIOGRAMS, to 10.

PORTABLE and MANTEL RADIOS- for 710. ELECTROLUX VACUUM 8 May 17 Mav nereuv renuireo to scno in par tic ula rs ol their claims to th( imrlordonfri. LFWIS C. ABI DIRECT SERVICE. Fill 1 AIR-rflNDITIONED.

Sh I Sailing from Sydney MONTORO lAbt. April 7. 61 MALAITA lAbt. April 14, 61 MALEKULA Abt. April 21, 61 BULOLO lAbt.

Aprll26. 6 1 I ON ESI A a MAL AYA BURNSIDE Abt. 61 BR AESI DE Abt. May 26. 61 w.

bi IJuly 7. 61 lAug 4, 61 tions. Fullv guaranteed. For sales! ATHENIC TELEVISION IN M05T PARTS OF THE VESSEL TON AUCK. TON.

AUCK AUOL AUCK TON AUCK CflHurnH Ott-r-3on Fares GAIL. Solicitor. 17 Castlereagh Street. Sydney. IN the Estate of MARGARET 19 May 26 Mav tneir Claims to me unacisiuiuo.

and service WAR I NGAH BUSINESS APPLIANCES, Boomerang Sailing Fares PERKINS S6 Marine Engines, left Free First Class Rail Transport to and from London to passengers returning high season In First lune from A400 return 1 Calls Miami and Bermuda 14 June J- r-Sn' cona toned nours theState of New Sout Wales, Snlnster. deceased. Intestate. ago. New I XUBJb.

Omit; C'rarao and TrinlrtaO OFF-SEASON S'UBSTANTIALLV, 8ALARR condition. aHck fitted with MR-10A DIAMOND Rings (2), cost 1B0, 16 lune nuHruu NEW HEBRIDES, Wanqanella SOUTHERN CROSS, one Class, Hvdro Gearbox, complete. 650 or near oiler. SOLOMON ISLANDS. REDUCED FARES from sto83 25 tune onn tnn Fvptv Cahin Air- Willem Ruvs Canberra Application will be made after :4 davs ol the publication hereof that administration of the Estate n' the shnupnampH deceased mav TULAGI FRACKS PTY.

52-58 Reservoir Street, Svdney. BA3364 Ooen 5at. MA3479. iAbt. May 11.61 conditioned.

Stabilisers. 2 swim CLEANERS. completely rebuilt and guaranteed These go out at HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS, upright or barrel type, only 17,10 All articles aie covered by Eric Anderson's guar an tee of satisfaction or money back. PETER BELL BARGAIN CENTRE (A Division of Eric Anderson's), 43 Oxford Street (opposite Wmns SYDNEY MA1630 SYDNEYROCK HAMPTON 1 July 2 July 12 luly 14 lulv Sthn. cross Monterev F-EMINGTON CENTRAL SPARES.

1 67 Parramatta Road. 76-0241. FLEMINGTON. 79-0241 ming pools, orchestra. DOMINION MONARCH.

tnn Firvt-clai luxury liner Cargo only. 4121. Wanganeila MOURILYAN lApr. 13 I How. Smith be granted to Mary Ann Carter sister of the deceased and that the usual administration bond TYRE Skid Chains.

600 16, Sollcitors. Barrack House. 16 Barrack Street. Svdney. BX3964.

the Estate of THOMAS WALSH late ol Waverley In the State of New South Wales, Quarry man deceased Intestate. Application will he made after 14 days from the publication hereof that Administration de bonis non administratis of the Estate ol the ahovenamed deceased may be granted to Lucy Rowe. the Daughter of the said deceased, and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. PIKE PIKE, Solicitors, 141-14 3 Elizabeth Street, Svd- 28 July open tops, with All outside cabins Spacious DRUM5, yd sei. tHNj.

zuu ueo. si. wanganeila Marlnnta mav be dispensed w'th. lids, very good condition and HOWARD SMITH LTD. BU5611, uty 11 Ana.

Wanganeila notices mav be served at the rlran. De WY2U06. 73-lUbd TENT, 8 -man, v.g. order. Sgns.

i Phone IU2813. TENT and Camping Gear, cheap. FIBREGLASS. TON AUCK. WTON.



TON. AUCK. AUCK TON 25 Aug. undermentioned address and all l-VU Dl AM. Ring, app.

54 mod. lounges. GOTHIC Class. 16.000 tons. First-class.

85 passengers only. All deck cabins. RETURN TICKETS available 2 vmrt and BOOMERANG EX creditors In the Estate of the rut it met .1 K5. lacr. 85 Monterev Dam.

Watch. 39. Pr. s. XY4405 UNPAHflLLtLtU LUIMNE COMFORT.

SERVICE First-class Accommodation avail able from England via the Continent. PREPAID and RETURN PASSAGES AVAILABLE THROUGH BOOKINGS ARRANGED For particulars apply to LUIGI GAR1GLIO A CO- PTV Owner's Representatives In Australia. 35 Pitt Street Svdnev. Phone BU6611-I AMES PATRICK CO PTV LIMITED. Operating Agents in Australia.

33 Pitt Street Sydney UTIOlfl. TELESCOPE, very powerful. Best. Lovelv views. Cheap.

XY2706. MBHttjLAbb. All types of boat sheathing, Including clinker. Phone (or free quotes. YU214B.

JAMAL FIBRE-GLASS. 102 Alfred St, Granville. 25 Aug. i 25 Aug. Sept.

i Wanganeila ahovenamed deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned. P. T. FOWLER i. SONS, Proctors CURSIONS Interchangeable with Dl AM.

app- l5 peri, blue-w. cut st. on b. ol cl. for onlv 490.

BL2032. TYPEWRITER, Royal. 18in, exc. TOURS AND TRAVEL wanganeila Willem Ruys Marloosa I mil il If Elinor fuiatt Disc. cols.

i i sept. 12 Sept. 16 Sent. I for the Applicant, 90 Pitt street, Cvrinr-v IN the Will and Codicil of ALEC IN5URANCE of Yachts. Cruisers, o-orient Lines ROUND-THE-WORLD, via Panama and South Africa On Return Tickets.

PAV.L ATFR PLAN AVAILABLE REFRIGERATOR, sealed unit, excellent cond. 30. UA9962. RE FRIG-, Prcsscold. out ol order.

Best Olfer. FM4R59. REFRIG-. GEN ALEX, see in use, 70. LA7737.

"0. Dom Mon Wanganeila Blue. Red. urcen. yruow.

-ty gallon. 9,6 quart. STERNS. 200 SCENIC One-Day TOURS. bailing Vessels, Kunabouts, bpee-x 22 Sept.

IN the Will of ALBERT PIERCE 8URNS. PHILP CO- LIMITED 7 Bridge Street, Sydney. B0547. boats, and a small craft Con- 7- oimo LaCQrqc airt'ti And regular sailings thereafter suit LEP INSURANCE BROKERS DqG Owners. Horse Meat'l'3.

Roo MIN FARES TO ENGLAND KlHH laie oi nensmaion in inc State ol New South Wales Freeholder riecea-ed. Application will i r.nuf ninoi-tnri Ht miui ha i UK, rieivina'or. o. Off-season Season TkI' 27-74R1 (fi lines): alter cono. univ v'b.

wrviiuai. TENTS, all sizes, on easy terms. PLATTS, 439 Pitt St. MA730B. TENTS, Marquees.

Lean-tos. etc. PLATTS, 439 Pitt St. MA730B. TENTS, Birkmvre.

any size Tents. Trade-ins. PLATTS. 439 Pitt St. TARPAULINS, ex-Army, hvv duty Plaits.

439 Pitt St. TYPEWRITER, Imperial. perfect Condition. .10. YU8354.

TYPEWRITER, modern style, good order, 14. YB4002. TARPAULINS, ex- rrny, hvy. duty. Hvaen.callv packed.

35. 12 and I "ml. ncrcci. 49 MU29B0. be made alter 14 davs from the publication hereof that Probate of; One Class A1Z5 LA1H1 first Class.

A219 A281 Recind. Elect. Fr. S. hours LF6932.

10. 39 Fourth Ave. in d.3Q Kcro 'i- the last win ann testament oaiea 7th Sootemher 19S9 ot the above- To South Africa from A105 Fares quoted In Australian rjmii'ic UW5554. anv time INf ERFSTED IN BOATING? REFRIGERATOR, Pesldent CX- range ol Electric and Hand ne-hulit Machines, fully guaranteed currency SHAW SAVILL LINE. Bookings mav ne maoe a HUDOART PARKER LTD 10 Bridge Street.

BUI 245 ORIENT LINES, 2 String Street B0532. B0540 SHAW SAVILL LINE. 8a Castlereagh Street BW1628 MATSON LINES, 82 Ellrabeth Street. BU4272 DUTCH MAILS. 255 George Street 27-377S UNION STEAM SHIP 247 George Street.

And 14a Martin Place. 25-3023 ceii. conn. iad New aanter-hurv Road. Petersham.

I pen you win enjoy kiauinu the new POWER and SAIL FEATURE every FRIDAY In the Herald." Soutnern Suburbs Botany Bav: Beaches and citv (morning) I5f Manly and Northern Beaches (morning) 151 Svdnev Sightseeing and Southern Beaches (afternoon). 15f Palm Beacn Pittwater (afternoon) 15f Svdnev Day Tours (100 miles around Sydney). SO Northern Beaches. Citv Sights, Eastern Beaches tncl. lunch) 35t Hawkesburv River.

Kunrg-aal Chase. Koala Park from 35. Home demonstrations Rf. 6 cu. It, Kir by sealed 8a Castlereagh St reel BW1828 DALGETYS 2 O'Connell Street B0S24 without obligation.

kon tu 7 1 tlnnipr Svdnev. BW846fl waierprooieo, idrps iraae-ins. Platts. 439 Pitt Street. f.20 Unit, verv compact.

192 named deceased may be granted to Walter James Kerr and Eliza-helh Mary Kerr the Executor and Executrix named In the said Will and all notices mav be served at the undermentioned address. All Creditors In the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send In particulars of their claims to the undersigned. F. A. FINN, ROACHE Proctors for the TYPEWRITERS Now Portables.

EX-GOVT Wheel Pullers. cTCDkii; jnn r.inm t. SKI BOAT. 15ft. Lewis, Immaculate REFRIG.

Colda 77. sealed unit, as Lis to tiu casn. terms- i writer 254 George St BU5511 rew conn, ib4 yvonongong Road. Arnclifle. ELECTRIC Floor Polisher, excellent condition.

15 LA27B1. ELECTRIC STOVE, upright, rapid SOUTHERN CROSS. LAUNCESTON. Pig Mercury iwin-carn. motor, special cam.

and manifolds Recently overhauled. 50 m-P h. Ideal ski boat. Trailer as new. Owner leaving overseas- Ring MX4369.

FL3098. TYPEWRITERS from 14. Terms. HONG KONG and JAPAN This vessel Is due In Sydney on Saturday. 6th April, and will berth about 8.30 a.m.

at No. 1 Typewriter 254 George St BUSS 1 1 r.rnttnrt fifi Ktnd street, svdnev. find launch trip) 326 coil. YU8354. ELECTRIC STOVE, perfect order rft YRd002.

TORRES STRAIT and MANILA. IN the Will of JAMES WILLIAM LINE SITMAR TYPEWRITERS. New or Recondi Wharf, Darling Harbour (Miller's ELECTRIC Battery Wireless, value kershlek late of ourwooo in the State of New South Wales orJEN'S BOAT DESIGNS. sen x.iu; carving sci, "tw, r-nli tell 10. UU6228.

ointj. The Southern Cross will sail at p.m. on Monday. 10th April, Plans tor amateurs, run range tionea, standard and Portable. IMPERIALS, 12 months tee Used, alt makes.

DOBELS Pi Y. 65-69 Kent St. Svd RillO-SK MV MERINO. Sailing April 5. SPACE AVAILABLE.

P. H. STEPHENS PTY. 176-182 Dav Street. Phone BM6601 (25 lines) Retired Kan way tmpioyee ae ceased.

Application will REFRIGERATORS, brand new, ALL FAMOUS MAKES, UP TO 80 BELOW LIST PRICE. All stocks must be sold. No reasonable offer relused. Immediate delivery. Call any time at 144 New Canterbury oerowra waters, nawxes-bury River.

Koala Sanctuary, Bobbin Palm Beach (incl launch trip). 35) Koala Sanctuarv. Kurlng gai Chase. Bobbin Hd. Coal and Candle Crk Palm Beach (incl WH 1 1 I INUHAM OT rvcnsinfiiun near Sydney In the State of New South Wales Garage Proorletor deceased- Application will be made after 1 4 davs from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated Btn October, 1952 and Codicil thereto dated 19th lune, 1957 of the abovenanied deceased mav be granted to Kate Whlttlngham, Ronald Alec Whlttlngham and Neville Roland Whlttlngham the Executrix and Executors named In the said Will and Codicil and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address.

All creditors In the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send In particulars of their claims to the undersigned. ARTHUR R. PR1TCHARD CO. Proctors for the Applicants, 12 Connell Street. Sydney.

the Will Of GEORGE WOOD late of Wvee In the State of New South Wales Retired Builder deceased- Application will be made after 14 days from the publication herecf that Probate of the last Wilt anc Testament dated the 16th Januai 1957 ot the ahovenamed deceased may be granted to Florence Grllfis Wood sole Executrix named therein and all notices mav be served at the undermentioned address. AH creditors in the Estate ol the deceased are hereby required to send In particulars ol their claims the undersigned. J. D. CAWOOD tV HALL, Proctors for the Executrix.

121 Marsden Street. Parramatta. By their clW Agents: BOWMAN MACKENZIE. Solicitors, 133 Pitt Street. Sydney.

(For continuation see Index to Advertlsemonts) In BOATS TUU LAN BLMLU. Call In or send 5d stamp to 3 Raw-son Place. Svdney. 61-7649. made alter 14 davs from the Due Sh lp Sydney I Sa lllng CHANGTE Apr.

14" ANKING Aor. 22 TAIPING Apr. 18 May 12 TAIYUAN May 1 May 24 CHANGSKA May 31 June 21 REGULAR SAILINGS TO ENGLAND AND THE CONTINENT BY FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED ONE-CLASS LINERS FULL SEASON SAILINGS (Fares Irom 1 32 Australian). EX-GOVT. Wool and Cotton pants, Short 411, Knee 611, Long 17.

6: Singlets 126. All NEW. STERNS. 200 George St. passengers embarking 3 p.m.

to 4 P.m. Passes are required by friends TENT, Lean-to, 8'3; Marquee, 12 publication nereoi mat rrooate of the la.t Will and Testament dated 20th February. 1 960 of JOHNSON 5'j P. Outboard, used Hoad, Petersnam. ii.

j-room tent, iti 40: Tarps. 23 12. 12. ACTION CANVAS, 504 Parramatta Rd. Petersham.

LM 1 H5 7. on i limes, sirn unncr niiniT, Of passengers wisning to proceed on board at embarkation, and these are to be obtained from lunch) 17(6 the ahovenamed deceased mav be' unoer nsi price. Coffee and Tea macnin- REFRIGERATOR, SHOP TYPE with blaaer motor. Priv. bept es.

1. 2. 3 or 4-arm models. granted to tonn itranam nersn lor and Elizabeth Amelia Kersh AUSTRALIAN-ORIENTAL TYPEWRITERS: New and Rebuilt. passengers.

SHAW SAVILL LINE. 5yd Newcastle in a Dav (ran and coach tour), with inspection ot Steel-worLs (Tuesday onlv) ler the Executrices named in the CHINA NAVIGATION CO LTD Z-OOOK. 4 -DOOR 6-DOOR fl-HOLE ICE-CREAM. Best value In Svrlnev. 12 months said Will And all notices mav be, Also Calculators, Cash Registers.

Oest terms. Sale. Hire Purchase, Hire. CTFICE APPLIANCES, 66-1 00 William Street automatic, new or used from 200 gns Free service. 12 months guarantee.

Small deposit. Easy terms. Calrex Ptv. Ltd 1 14 Darllnghurst Rd, King's Cross. 4661t 136611 19761 296611 11861 uuini servicer -hairsea 2nd Class.

666 NORFOLK NOUMEA, tCastci Felice owner-seller. Finance If required. FU5712- 5PORTSCRAFT, 1 Aft Runabout, equipped with Johnson Supcrqulet, remote controls, twin moulded seats, navigation lights and windscreen. 550. Alter hours.

1Y159B. serves at tnr unnermcnuaneci n-dress. All Creditors In the Estate of the deceased are herehv re Bum Pass sunn me point. Wnllnnnono. Hoval FA8051.

Open Saturday mnrnina. guarantee. LA211, after hours1 NEW GUINEA, PAPUA. iircnninns, rci.oiKJHiorico. an makes, trom tnnoi, Duplicators.

Adding Machines. COMMON WF A I TH TYPFWOITFB quired to send In particulars of their claims to the undersigned. RISHWORTH DODD EINFELD Solicitors. 12 Connell Street, Svdnev. BW1706.

MATSON LINES. NEW HcBh I Dti. nil COLORADO DEL MAR Sailing approx. 1 5th April SPACE AVAILABLE P. H.

STEPHENS PTY LTD. 176-162 Dav Street. PhoneBM 6601 (25 lines). SHANSI: Sailing April 12. SINKIANG.

Sailing April 25 SOOCHOW: Sailing May 5 NEW GUINEA AUSTRALIA LINE General Agents: SWIRE YUILL PTY 1 Bridge St, Svdnev BU1712. psr IFV rt Havllland Marine let Vessel I nFFRir.rn ATotr. ELLIOTT'S BARGAIN CORNER. HALF-PRICES. HALF-PRICES.

Don Miss- APRIL SPECIALS Home Trials One Week Trade-in Accepted RADIOS from 410. TRANSISTORS Irom 1010. TTfTaVsn 149, '61 power tor your uoai rnone EXCH. PTY 22 Nithsdale St. 5ydnev.

rear ol Mark Foy's Parking Station MA7481: Open Falrskv IN the Will Of JOHN DOUGALL OPEN UNITS. 1910 SEALED UNITS. 39 10 SHOP TYPE. 7510 Adams, uuom. tor details.

HaviHand Aircraft. Bankstown LAlNCi iaie or hc veiny in me A Tradition ot Luxury Sailings trom SYDNEY to baiuroavs. a.m. to noon i ioio ii si i ue i 219611 21161 1910G1I221 1 61 TYPEWRITERS, PORTABLE. state oi New soutn waiei, cieric.

riereaved. A onllratlon will hi r-airses Castel Felice Falrskv Castel. Fetice RADIOGRAMS. 3-4 speed, from 141261 25162 Kccondinoneo ann ciuaranieea, 1c Northumberland Avenue, 5TANMORE. LA2996.

FIBREGLASS BOATS. Unslnkabie. 1 nit filn. Direct from factory, WELLINGTON. PICTON, Via Barrier Reef Singapore SAN FRANCISCO.

LOS ANGELES, tlBMU. TYPEWRITERS from 1110 BINOCULARS, Prism, 410. GOLF STICKS from 215. Reconditioned and Guaranteed. From 12 to 25.

New Portables Irom 30, Standard Typewriters from 15. CASH or TERMS. Personal Tvolno in 24 Hours. 59'i plus tax. WY0294 alter 59' plus tax.

WY0294, after hiirs IU2620. National Park 326 Kiama. lliawarra Lakes Port Kembla. gong 376 Sublime Point Woltongong Soutnern Highlands 376 WOl'ongong. Cordeaux Dam and Ro'Olactor 326 Port Kembia.

Steelworks and South Coast 35 Katoomba. Blue Mountains Hawkesbury Lookout. 35 Katoomba. Mount Wilson, Kurrajong. 35 Warragamba Dam.

Nepean Vallev (round tour) 30 CANBERRA Canberra Weekend Tour 9 IENOLAN CAVES. 1 day (rail and coach) Sunday only. 66'6 2 davs (train and coach). 116, 2 davs (coach all way) 137(6 TEA GARDENS. Weekend Coach Trip and Launch Cruise.

9. Via Auckland. Singapore, Via AUCKLAND. SUVA, PAGO PAGO. HONOLULU Returning Via TAHITI.

RARATONGA and made alter 14 days from the date hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated 16th January, 1961 of the ahovenamed deceased mav be granted to Lydla Mary Lalng one of the Executors named In the said Will, the other Executor Walter Wllkle Lalng therein mentioned hxvlna rfiilv rm. coiomoo, Aden, suez, rori aaia. piano-acc. 120 from MACIIINKRY CRUISER, 20ft. smart, speedy and REFRIGERATOR.

SHOP TYPE Instruction Book free with every AUCKLAND, Names ano aouinampion, oremer Haven. PVCIFIC SHIPOWNERS' reliaoie. pianKeo -arvci, i-mi rHtn tnilet. Ireeier. Dunloo.

tlbil UI. TRUMPETS from 1010. GUITARS from 410. macuinc. Lti.

ann ckiv. ntu DEPARTING SYDNEY 3 -hole Ice-cream, one milk, glass display, smaligoods. etc. Confectionery disDlav. Lamlnex serving Via Melbourne Adelaide bunks.

Survey avail. Easv tol SPACE AVAILABLE. P. H. STEPHENS PTY.

176-162 Dav Street. PhOf.e BM6601 (25 lines). BX6004. 50 yards from Wynyard handle. Baroa n.

795. FM315Z. ELtc. stw. malm, rrom tlj'j.

DIAMOND RINGS from 6107. nounced Probate and all notices km SAILING TO CANAOA. SS. LAKEMBA. top.

Reconditioned. 12 months station ALVOR5EN, 21ft. luxury Family Soeclal Concession Rail Fares; re available to most European may or servrrj at me unaermen-tloned address. All rrtriitnr. in guarantee.

165. LA2Q96- TYPEWRITERS, To VANCOUVER via FIJI Boat, 4 Derins, lonci, gaiicy, h.p. Morris Vedette. Perfect con. Price 1650.

Terms, private sale. Dhnn YV2039. cities. BOOK NOW AT YOUR TRAVEL AGENT S.S- Monterey I S.S. Mariposa 12 April 29 April 26 May 14 lune 12 July 2B July 25 August 12 Sept.

13 October 29 October 26 November 13 December 1962: 1962: 10 January 26 January 23 February 13 March PUKI5 ano HONOLULU- the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send In par-tlculars of their claims to the WAIL MLS, MALr-HHILfc. CAMERAS. HALF-PRICE, AMPLIFIERS from 1610. TAPE RECORDERS from 35. SAVE s.

SAVE s. 238-240 Elizabeth St, near way, Corner Reservoir Street. LAUNCESTON FOR NAVCOT AUSTRALIA PTV. LTD ONE CLASS all 2-berth alr-l conditioned cabins SAILINGS BOAT BUILDING, any design, ex- Pert workmanship, prompt start, uiiers Bridge Baatshed. Chats- I'KINlllNG HEIDELBERG 12 18 Automatic Platen, latest model, spray, wash- VERTICAL MIEHLE (Ed.

Dunlop), British, 5 years old. New mach Ine guarantee. MERCEDES 22 16 Automatic Cvllnder Press. 1957 model. Dry KELLY Automatic Cvllnder Press.

17 22. good condition. 400. HAND-FED PLATENS. 11 7 to 12 IB.

from 90. Power or treadle. GUILLOTINES, Hand Lever and power, 24in to 42ln. PERFORATORS, Mitres, Cabinet, REFRIGER ATORS. Washing etc.

LARGEST, cleanest, cheapest GENUINE stock In Sydney. We have what you want at1 HURST HOWARD? SolldWrV 67 Castlereaoh Street. Svdnev AND DEVONPORT M.V ELMORE lonoon Assurance no use (4th floor) 16-20 Brldae Street, Svdnev Phone BU3464. BU7531 SAIl WITH SITMAR FOR Sale, contents cabinetmaker's shop. WBI630.

see freezing, electric- 8. Also cms at Honolulu south from svdnev. LATE APRIL, LATE AUGUST. LATE DECEMBER. Fari trom CA1K5.

wooo. JBOUt. RUNABOUT, 14ft. Clinker null, Holden motor. Excellent cond, Trailer.

435. IM5464. SPORTS Runabout. 11ft. ply.

15- H.P. Anianl Outboard Motor. Trailer 195. YW2651. your price.

Money-oacK guarantee. Easy terms- WESTGATE, 33B Parramatta Road, STAN MORE. Established 20 Years. LM63S5. (Australian National Line).


FORDIGR APH Duplicating Machine, current model, ss new, bargain 65. 1A1818. JA1727. S.T.C. BRAND NEW.

S.U. inlov about f0 dav in tropica I PLANING HULLS, ply, two under SPECIAL SEA LAND GATE VOYAGtS LONGER HOLIDAY TRIPS covering New South wales and Capita' Cities, are available packaged lor your convenience, and ranging trom 3 to 1 8 days Basic cost includes transport. accommodation and meals For extended tour In Australia, or to any part Of the world, we can help with travel Itineraries, tailored to meet vour individual requirements Write. Phone o' Can NSW GOVERNMENT TOURIST BUREAU. Chains House.

Martin Place-Phone 25-2471 REFRIGERATORS) Here Is your etc. EDUCED FARE HOBART.i FOR construction. ifl ano bit JA8B02. ir a Tat Flhrealats De Havllland FULL FREEZER. Sparkling Matson Lines, first the See CANADA-USA.

ov ran or bus World-wide Lend Sea greatest cnance. aii seaien units. We have 20 lamous makes, Keivlnator. Westinghouse, Re-ennditionod as Brand New. Aver 14in.

IBin fitted reconditioned Dodge Motor Pacific, gtve you the nnest In.nry trawal trt th U.S A. the Estate of ELIZABETH ALMA LAPPAN late of KlnJ" Cross In the State of New South Wales Widow deceased Intestate. Application will he made alter 14 days from the publication hereof that Administration of the Estate of the ahovenamed deceased mav be granted to Edward Keith Lappan the son of the deceased and all notices mav be served at the undermentioned address. All creditors In the estate of the said deceased are heiehy required to send In particulars of their Cairns to the undersigned. Take notice thai application will be made to dispense with the usual Administration Bond.

G. CAMPBELL tV Solicitors for the Applicant, B2 Pitt Street, Sydney. S.S. KARUAH Term avallahl. CHUISfc to ADELAIDE.

By Overseas Liner Three davs at sea. Tours in Adelaide Includeo RETURN bv IET FLIGHT Eight days. 5410 flmltixl Vacancies. wnne. ljh.

FUEL Stoves. Bega. Dover. Esse. Heating Stoves.

Regal. Kosi, Wonder Heat. Warmray. Blshons. 153 Broadway.

foute to and from Europe There adequate stopover lime at all FRtGtDAIRE, Squarllne, grey and white enamel finish, not new hut and Air Bookings- Book Now With AMTRACO TRAVEL CENTRE American Trading Shipping Co Pty. 17-19 Bridge Street SYDNEY BU4147. the fascinating pons or tan. 'or further details contact: Your Travel Agent, MATSON LINES. Reservations at your favourite age price 3910 4 DEPOSIT, 10 w.

All Guaranteed. ALSO number of shop marked and repossessed Electrlte, Mal-levs, indistinguishable from new, 99pns. 12 15 P.w. Call ILLAWAR RA APPLIANCE STORES. Bargain Centre.

500 King George's Road, Beverly Hills. Slocking the largest range of Printing Machinery In Australia. NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS. DOLPHIN A HANNAN PTY. LTD.

29 Parramatta Road. YU3127. CLYDE YU3177J PRINTER'S Type Cases. Upper. Lowar, Gothic, 6 ca.

LW4J50. SAILS 13th APRIL. 1961. For Space Apply: SOUTHERN SHIPPING CO. LIMITED, 147 Sussex Street, SYDNEY.

BX577S. and trailer, liya. ixuag. WATER Ski-ers. experienced, aop.

6. require Sunday skl-ing. Ring LX2132 Or UA9613. LAUNCH. 1 6ft.

open, with cover, diesel motor, all good order. 375 LI1036 STEEL Cruiser, 24ft and Trailer, 600. Ring Windsor 3452. MOTH. reg.

552. Tery. sail. 90 or offer. JB4172 evening.

conauion ana oraer. FMMfiS BUSINESS EQUIPMENT PTY 235 Castlereagh Street, BM6231. RM6231. Open Saturday mornings. Also at Canberra, Newcastle.

Wollongong, Oat CIIUDCl" aireci, SYDNEY. Phone 6U4272 travel Agent or COMPASS TOURS. 29 The Bouievarde Arcade. Off 112 King Street. Phone 23-3672.

FIELD GLASSES. TELESCOPES, CAMERAS. Ex-Navy and Air Force. On easy terms. We trade-j MIDDLE-AGED uT Woman tTke fieet Female Companion, Shon our, Surfers' or similar, middle rnomj, o'oio.

in. plaii, rivi atrcit. APrn. eo, neraia. r- j-.

s' i r- ti i ft A. 4. eau.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.